Foreword / Important Warning

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⚠️ Do not read this story before you have read at least I Would Give Him The Moon and Twisted Moon, not even this note. That just wouldn't make any sense.

Fair and important warnings! Please proceed with caution:

There was already a similar warning in Twisted Moon, but this is even more accurate for The Darker Side Of The Moon. This side-story is quite hard as you can imagine if you read I Would Give Him The Moon and Twisted Moon. Things didn't go too bad for Noah because he wasn't held for long enough. But as you know, Jeremy has been in there for much longer, so he obviously experienced a lot more than Daddy's Baby Boy.

This book is built differently than the previous ones, in order to make things a bit easier. You should distinguish two periods: the first one is the present and starts in March 2014 when Jeremy was abducted and goes until the end of this story. The second one is the past and begins in August 2009 (when Jeremy discovers the lifestyle) and runs until March 2014 when Gary collared him. Even if it has its difficult moments, the past is obviously happier than the present, with steamy scenes, so this is how it's going to work: odd chapters are set in the present. Even chapters are set in the past. That will allow you to discover Jeremy's past through parallels with the present.

All the same, keep in mind that this book contains difficult chapters. It's not all about sexual abuse, far from that! There will be mentions of nonconsensual sex indeed, but not that many. However, there will also be themes such as sadism, violence, death, suicidal thoughts, self-loath. And mostly very emotional things. So if you're not comfortable with those, I suggest you close this book. If you decide to continue and read it, well... you've been warned, so go ahead!

Also, this is a side-story to the Black Moon series, a book I hadn't planned to write in the beginning. Contrary to the other books, there won't be a close day-to-day progression. Most of the chapters cover long periods with summaries and a description of a certain day in particular. My goal was not to make it a 80 chapter long novel so this one shouldn't have more than 45 chapters.

Remember that this is a fiction and even if I try to keep my stories as realistic as possible, there are domains in which I'm not a specialist, and my logic might not be your logic, so keep in mind that it's just a fiction.

Lastly, as in Twisted Moon during the drama part, there will be some summaries at the end of the hardest chapters. You may want to check them before you decide to read the entire chapter.

This is the fourth book of a series!

This book is the fourth one of the Black Moon series, so if you haven't read the first three books, I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars, I Would Give Him The Moon, and Twisted Moon, I strongly recommend that you do read these three first.

Feel free to vote for the chapters you like (or all of them :p ), comment if you want to, and if you want to recommend it to other readers, you can add it to your reading lists. This is always highly appreciated :)

A note on updates:

The Prologue will be published on September 13th (2017) but I won't start publishing the rest of the book until December. The writing is almost over right now but: 1) Twisted Moon will be completely published by early November only. 2) I am taking at least a month off publishing to relax a bit, and fully concentrate on Aaron's story. As you may have seen, the Master Dom will have two books to himself and I want to progress on his story before I return to busy schedule of editing/proofreading/writing.

As far as updates are concerned, I might change my mind, but for now, I'm thinking of updating only once a week so that I have plenty of time to write Aaron's books. The Darker Side Of The Moon is a short book compared to the previous ones of the series and 314 Moons will be much, much longer, especially as I won't publish the first part before both books are fully written. But we'll see.

Just a few more things:

This time, it's a copy paste from Twisted Moon, but it has to be there...

- This is a Gay story (if you don't like it, just delete the story from your library)

- It has mature content so there will be smut, graphical and all, rough and tough too. So if you're under 18 or if you are not comfortable with sex scenes and verbal language, you may want to look for another book as well

- I'm not in the BDSM lifestyle and my stories only reflect my perspective of it. I don't hold the truth here, but all I bring up is based on the huge research I have made, and believe me, I did a lot.

- I'm French so English is obviously not my first language. As usual, you are welcome to point out my mistakes, incoherencies and typos when you spot some.

- All my characters are purely fictional and should not be assimilated to real persons because they are not. They are just the babies coming from my imagination.

One last important thing!

I want to thank everyone who has been following the Black Moon series ever since it began. I know I don't say it very often but I am truly honored to have such great readers. And I am sincerely overwhelmed by all the support and compliments I often receive, so thank you for that! I hope you will still be there for this new episode of the Black Diamond's adventures and the next ones.

And I'd like to address a special thank you to Johena_Lana Fhanth and JaneyJordan for their patience, support, advice and encouragements. I don't think this one will be extremely different from the first draft you read, but I hope you will still like it. Thank you anyway for everything!

By the way, if you haven't read @Fhanth's first book yet, you should go and give it a try because it's now completely published and a great story. Besides, there are many crossovers planned between our series, with his characters visiting mine and my characters visiting his. I'm sure you won't regret it ;)

And to all the readers, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

With love from the beautiful ol' France,


Published on 5 September 2017

Nothing exciting guys, just the quick usual warning thing. And to let you know that the prologue will be published next week. But the rest won't follow until December, so patience... ;)

Also, and this is a fair warning, please don't get attached to Timmy when you get to meet him. From Twisted Moon, you know he is dead, so don't try and connect to him...

Lastly, I can't wait to finish this story and share it with you. Even if it's the hardest one of the series – trust me it's been a real challenge to write it, in many ways! – it will still be nice to read it. As you can imagine, with Jeremy joining the club in 2009 (i.e. even before Mark, Josh and Camden moved to Chicago), you'll get to see plenty of new things that couldn't appear in the previous books (Dom certification, Subs messing up, Mark, Josh and Cam's early days, etc...). It will also be a good insight into Aaron's story and you'll hear plenty of things about the Master Dom, as well as see different sides of his personality ;)

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