Chapter 28 - Back In Chicago

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 28: Back In Chicago

Jeremy's POV – Saturday 29 August 2015

"Take care, Son..." my father says with a voice full of emotion as he pulls me into a hug.

We are on the hospital parking lot now and it's time for some goodbyes.

"We will try to visit you in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, we'll speak over the phone..." he adds, tightening his hold around me.

"Thank you, Dad... I promise I'll call often," I reply as I disentangle from his embrace before I reach out for my mother and hug her tightly. The woman is short but her arms around my waist are strong. "I'll miss you, Mom..."

"I'll miss you too, Sweetie..." she replies with a strangled voice that brings tears to my eyes. "Don't forget to keep in touch... and listen to Gary, I'm sure he'll help you get better..."

"I'll try my best..."

Soon enough, we part ways. After more goodbyes and recommendations, Gary gently tugs me to the big car Mr. Jacobson rented and we both get in at the back while the two other men sit at the front. I watch my parents walk to their own car and wave at them one last time as we drive away.

Sitting normally in a car feels weird. The last time I was in a vehicle, it was a van and I was tied up to one of its walls, stolen away by my captors. There was also that moment I was rescued from the forest and taken to hospital, but I was unconscious and don't remember any of it, so the last one I remember was when Andrei fled with me and Will.

Don't go there, Jer! You are free now!

That's true. Right now, I am sitting beside the man I love and have chosen to follow to Chicago. It was a difficult decision to make. Despite all he told me, I still have my reserves. I feel dirty deep down. What's worse, I haven't told him anything yet about Timmy or even Noah, and all the guilt I feel about this. It's even worse now that he has told me about what he did over the past year and a half. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry and only increases my guilt.

Over the last three days, we have had time to discuss, though mostly about him. I'm glad he hasn't tried to ask details about my captivity – though it will certainly come at some point. I can't believe he didn't go with anyone else in all this time. I don't know how many times I wondered if he had a new Submissive and if he had forgotten about me. I was so far from the truth... Gary explained he terminated his membership at the Black Diamond soon after he received my letter. He could have found himself a lover out of the lifestyle later, but it never happened. Never once did he start another relationship. He didn't even have one-night stands!

The only man occupying my thoughts has always been you, Jeremy. While you were away, no one would have ever been able to enter my head... You're the only one...

This is what Gary told me two days ago in the morning while we were alone. I almost came back on my decision to follow him to Chicago as culpability hit me at that moment. My mother was right. Gary is a saint. He is such a handsome man, it's hard to believe his faith in us never faltered and he never tried to move on and meet someone else. Even if he never accredited the runaway theory, he could have gotten tired of waiting after a few months. He could have thought I was dead and decided to try his luck with someone else. Well, he didn't and just waited for me.

In the end, I chose to stick to my plans. Not only because it's sort of the easy way, but also because of what I felt for my parents. I really hate that I barely thought about them during my captivity when they worried sick for me all these months. I don't know what the future will bring me or how I will react coming back to a normal life as a free man, things could get ugly and I don't want to add to their sorrow. I would rather see them confident that I will get through without witnessing the reality of things. Going with Gary, I hope it will alleviate their anguish and sorrow. I will just make sure I sound joyful enough whenever I speak with them over the phone.

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