Chapter 18 - Master Gary's Forever

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 18: Master Gary's Forever

Friday 21 March 2014

"I swear, Jeremy! I feel like killing him right now!!" Liam shouts over the phone and I try to imagine his angel face expressing the same anger as in his voice.

It doesn't work. I just can't picture him angry. Oh he does have his little temper and he can grumble once in a while, but I have never seen him furious, so my mind really has a hard time matching the irritation in his voice with the physical image I have of him.

"Don't exaggerate, Liam! It's no big deal!" I reply, hoping to soothe some of his wrath against his Master.

"No big deal? Are you fucking kidding me, Jer?" he exclaims.

Liam swearing is a rare thing, so he must be really pissed and that doesn't sound good for his butt.

"This is your collaring ceremony we're talking about and I'm going to miss it!"

"I'm sure Gary will keep it simple, so in any case, you're not going to miss much."

"Still, I wanted to be there! Joshua knew about it and I am so mad at him right now!" he whines, which makes me smile.

"It's not his fault if his plane is being delayed, Liam..." I then try to reason him. "It's not surprising with the snow storm we had earlier this week!"

"I know, but I'm still mad at him! He should have planned to fly back earlier, or even yesterday!"

"Don't be silly, Liam... He probably couldn't do otherwise and..."

"Can you stop siding up with him?"

"I'm not siding up with him!!" I exclaim, now chuckling. "I'm just trying to avoid you getting in trouble with Master Joshua!"

"I don't care about that... Oh I know! I know what I'm going to do!" he then exclaims, but it doesn't sound good either. "I'm coming! I'll be at the club and attend your ceremony!"


"I'll dodge Tony's watch. I'm sure I can do that!" he cheers.

I must stop him.

"No you won't!!" I exclaim. "Listen, Liam. You know Joshua, and you know he will find out. And if he does, you'll be in deep shit! This is not a right time for getting in trouble. I remind you that you're having your first public performance tomorrow evening and you don't want to expose a red butt, do you?" I try to argue. That seems to have shut him so I take it as my cue to continue. "I swear it's not going to be anything big, I know Gary enough for that. It'll probably be only him and me, and maybe Master Aaron, but that's it. I'm sure it'll be done in five minutes, so it's really not worth getting you in trouble for so little..."

"Yeah..." he sighs. "You're probably right..."

"Of course, I'm right! I'm always right!"

"You'll tell me everything tomorrow, though?"

"Pinky promise! I'll even tell you all about the sex that will follow!" I tease him.


Well, I wasn't expecting any less from my friend. Five months after his beginnings in the lifestyle, Liam is still a rather shy guy. He has definitely progressed a lot in all this time, but he hasn't run wild yet. I don't know if he ever will, but I have to admit we are already far from the Liam I met back in October. He has gained so much in self-confidence and kinkiness! I'm sure he will become as kinky as we all are at some point but for now, his antics never cease to make me laugh whenever I tease him about sex details.

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