Chapter 20 - The Great Escape

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 20: The Great Escape

Saturday 18 July 2015

But from what I heard, Master Aaron took it pretty hard on Camden...

Those words have been rehearsing in my head since yesterday when Andrei uttered them while speaking to Cutie. I felt his glance in my direction and the slight hesitation in his voice, but it all clicked in my mind. It just can't be a coincidence because there can't be another Master Aaron associated with a Camden that could be other people than the ones I know. And whom Andrei knows as well!

It has to be them! They have to be the Master Aaron and the Camden I know from the Black Diamond.

Things sound so clear and obvious now! Maybe not everything, but at least part of them! I still don't get what happened to Cutie in Detroit two years ago, but what I am sure of is that one, he is a Submissive at the Black Diamond, two, a masochistic Sub I would say since he seems to be Master Camden's, and three, the club is where Andrei found him. I can't believe this bastard made such a mistake! Now I get why he is being watched!

Oh I trust him to have been very cautious and built himself some alibis, because the guy is clearly not a fool, but all the same, how could he be so stupid and abduct a second Sub from the same club? I mean... It must have raised suspicions!

Okay, he wasn't so obvious in my case, and he probably wasn't either in Cutie's case. My disappearance was well orchestrated with the letter and might have passed off as a runaway. I don't know how he played it with Cutie, but damn! Two Subs from the same club going AWOL? It can't have gone unnoticed and I do trust Master Aaron and his friends to have picked on that. Especially if one of his best friends' Sub is involved!

Knowing Master Camden as I know him, it won't sit well with him. The man is a freaking Sadist, so I guess it's going to get ugly if he finds out. I am a bit surprised that he has a Sub since he always claimed to be there only for one-night fucks, but things can change in more than a year. Maybe he has grown tired of those evening relationships. Maybe he simply met the Masochist of his life, the one that matches all his desires and needs. That would actually fit! Cutie looks like a little rebel, but he also seems to be resistant to pain underneath his fragile temperament.

The last week has been kind of harsh on him, although I think Fabio took things rather slowly. There have been the training sessions but all in all, he has left us quite a lot of liberty. Cutie really has a hard time submitting but it seems his heart is made of gold and Fabio has already found a way to subdue him, and sadly, I am the means of pressure, meaning he uses me as a threat.

Each time Cutie doesn't comply, Fabio threatens him with hurting me and it works well. This boy seems to hate seeing me hurt so he ends up obeying, which I am thankful for, just as much as I hate seeing him hurt too. Poor boy felt so bad when Fabio abused me that afternoon, impaling himself on me. It was horrible having him to witness this but unfortunately, he will have to get used to it because as the fairy promised, his turn will come...

So, I haven't spoken once to Cutie, too scared to break that rule and suffer the consequences, but since Andrei's visit yesterday, it has been seriously itching me. I am on the verge of breaching this rule because my curiosity has been piqued and I'm craving for answers. I just don't know if it would be that great of an idea to bring up memories to him. He already has such difficulty to adapt!

I can't blame him for that, and I actually understand him, but it's so painful to see him struggle with his inevitable fate. It took me ages to calm him down the first time they left us alone in the basement and free to move. He tried to look for exits but quickly realized that there was none that would allow him to escape. Poor boy cried himself to sleep in my arms.

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