Chapter 39 - Chicago

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 39: Chicago

Gary's POV – Monday 9 November 2015

"Fuck! It's good to see you!" Aaron exclaims as we part from a big hug on the parking lot of the restaurant.

"It's great to see you too, Aaron!"

We both hurry inside the building to escape the snow and a waiter leads us to a quiet area of the dining room. In any case, the restaurant is quite empty tonight so that's nice. We've been here before, so many times that we don't need to check the menu and order the same things as usual. T-bone steaks with fries and Coke for the both of us.

"You look much better than the last time we met," Aaron comments once the waiter has left.

"Yeah, just a bit tired from the flight yesterday, I didn't sleep well knowing it was the first time I left Jeremy in England, and the day has been long with meetings, but all in all, I'm fine..."

"Did he stay on his own in the end?"

"No, he's at my parents'. He wanted to stay at our place, but I didn't want him to be alone, so I convinced him to go there," I explain, remembering the brief argument we had last week.

During our previous weekend in the south of England, I suggested a new activity to Jeremy and it turned out more positive than I hoped for. I thought that pushing him to do renovation works in the house would be another way to keep him busy in the afternoons after he has worked enough on his therapy book, but I wasn't sure he'd appreciate. Well, he loved it.

By Wednesday, he had dragged me to multiple DIY stores and we had gotten all the materials and tools he'd need to redecorate our living room and by Friday, he had already peeled off all the old wallpaper. When I reminded him that the rest would have to wait until my return from Chicago, he began to argue that he could stay in Kensington instead of going to Virginia Water with my parents, but I strictly refused. I just couldn't bear with the fear of him being on his own and having a panic attack for whatever reason, because he's still too fragile.

Jeremy fought back, but I was quick convincing him, arguing that my mother was expecting his company and had planned a lot of visits with him. Lame excuse... but sometimes, the Dominant in me resurfaces and knows how to manipulate him. But it's not only about manipulation. It's also about me knowing what's best for him, and I truly believe that Jeremy wasn't ready to stay home alone yet.

He has regained a lot of confidence over the past month, but he tends to become impatient, wanting to skip steps and I often have to refrain him a bit. I can't deny that he has progressed a lot and I'm so happy to see the old Jeremy reviving progressively, but I also know what cutting corners might lead to. I've seen it when he wanted to meet with Liam and Noah too soon, and I don't want him to step back, hence the control I'm trying to exert on his eagerness.

It was the case the first time he tried to blow me under the shower about a month ago. I deliberately decided to take a shower while he was relaxing in the bathtub that evening because I wanted to try his self-consciousness, and I was quite surprised to see him join me under the shower. Feeling his naked body against mine was amazing. Amazingly arousing too. However, the panic in his eyes when he dropped to his knees with the clear intention of blowing me quickly brought me back down to Earth. He wasn't ready to do this.

Neither was he last weekend at my parents' cottage when he said he wanted to make love. I had teased his back entrance a bit earlier while giving him head, and the tension in his body was enough to prove me he'd need a little more time to readapt to these sensations. After so many months without anal penetration and the last occurrences having been non-consensual and with no preparation, my love would need a bit more groundwork before he is ready for the full deed.

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