Chapter 44 - The Fight

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 44: The Fight

Gary's POV – Friday 25 March 2016

This sixty-page contract is a real pain in my ass but I need to finish reviewing it before I call it a day. It's almost 7:30 pm and I can't wait to reopen my office door to join my delicious husband in the kitchen and see what he has been cooking for our dinner. I'm even more eager to fuck him senseless afterwards!

Fuck! I'm so horny at the moment!

This may or may not have to do with a certain husband of mine who has grown a bit more... how should I put it? Hornier? Greedier? Wilder? A bit of all that I would say. Ever since I returned from my last trip to Chicago a week ago, Jeremy has been more demanding in terms of sex and it seems to have woken up the beast within me.

Like I often said, since I got him back after his escape, I have been willing to take whatever he would give me, and I have been plainly satisfied with our progression sexually speaking. Of course, I had to tame the dominant in me but the relief of having my love back was enough to soothe all my other urges. His healing took time and I was patient until we resumed any form of sex. Since then, things have only gotten better and better.

Between Christmas and New Year's Eve, Jeremy and I sealed our love, not through a contract, but through the solemn vows of marriage. We got married in the simplest way, celebrating the moment with our closest family and best friends. The ceremony was short, the dinner was nice and everything went well, but it was still a huge emotional moment for me to have Jeremy become my husband and bear my name. There are no words to describe how much I love this man.

Our parents got along perfectly, and it was great to see all our friends again. To be honest, I had a bit of apprehension regarding the latter because I couldn't help remembering Jeremy's panic attack the first time he met with Liam and Noah back in September, but it was useless. My little man was ready this time, having progressively worked on his communicating efforts with his friends, and there was no drama. I had also asked the guys to try and remain discreet on the Dominant / Submissive sides of their relationships, so everything went well.

Our friends were in London for a few days, so we were able to meet a little more and it was so nice to see Jeremy reconnect with them. Of course, he enjoyed Liam's presence and getting to know Noah, but I believe he also got along very well with Mark's chirpy Shannon and appreciated his Alex's calmness. Being around Joshua, Camden, Mark and even Aaron might have been a bit more straining for him, but the guys were so great, only treating him as a peer and behaving like they would around a normal friend – and definitely not as the Submissive he used to be at the Black Diamond – so it helped a lot.

The best outcome is that Jeremy decided to keep in touch with his friends and has been speaking a lot with them since then, especially with Liam obviously. We promised that we'd attend Joshua and Liam's wedding in June, and although Jer was still quite fragile last December, seeing how much he has progressed in the last three months, I am absolutely confident that we'll be able to make it, if not more...

His therapy has done wonders, probably more than I really see in fact. His progress in terms of self-confidence is fantastic and I am sincerely happy to see the old Jeremy coming back little by little. He is no longer afraid to go out on his own, he works out a lot and keeps himself busy with renovations too, which allows him to be in great shape, and he has become so much more comfortable around me, it's impressive. I can't begin to describe how elating it is for me to see him getting better, even if I also see the other side of the coin...

Jeremy has grown in temper, the shy and introverted sides slowly fading away. Which is good because this is all I have ever wanted for him. However, with him getting better and sometimes talking back to me – always for silly reasons – my dominant self has tended to resurface and it scares me a bit because I'm not sure how ready he is for that. I really thought I had managed to tame that personality of mine but it's itching me more and more. It's like having something buried deep inside of you, something that wants to pull out and is tickling under your skin, but not in a funny way.

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