Chapter 13 - Farewell Thee Angel

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of The Black Moon series
Chapter 13: Farewell Thee Angel

Friday 20 March 2015

For the eleventh night in a row, I wake up to the same awful coughing sound in the middle of the night.

Fuck! This is getting worse and worse!

Well, I don't care if once again I am met with Fabio! I don't want to be away from Timmy while he is so sick, and I don't give a fuck if I get his germs!

Pushing away the two comforters, I feel the cold pass through the fabric of my clothes. It seems like this winter has been particularly harsh in Illinois – I can't really tell since I haven't been allowed to go outside of the house since last September, I think – and Andrei has been kind enough to provide us with sweatpants and long-sleeve tee-shirts, as well as socks. To say that Fabio didn't like it would be an understatement... That bastard hates not being able to enjoy our nakedness 24/7 and has taken great pleasure to make us undress during our daily training sessions.

I don't get why we still get those every day. After all this time, you bet we have reached perfection in submission, even more so for Timmy who has been a captive for so many years! I guess Fabio just enjoys it a lot. He just loves using and abusing his brother's pets and I hate him so much for that. I hate him even more than Andrei, I think.

He just can't stop rimming our asses or making us return the favor. There is not a day without either that or blowing him and he makes us take turns in the deeds. When he gets really horny, he will have one of us take a blue pill and impale himself on our erection. He doesn't even try to crush them into our food anymore; he simply gives one to either Timmy or me, and we know what we are in for.

I have long stopped fighting this. The first time he gave me a pill, I did try to refuse, but the flogging I received made me learn my lesson well. I am so weak for pain. Besides, as a punishment, he used an injection that day; needless to say, the needle in my shaft was extremely painful and my throbbing hard-on even worse.

So, whenever he gives me Viagra now, I simply take it and deal with it. In those moments, I just lose myself in oblivion and wait for time to pass, trying to ignore the slight tingles I feel each time I ejaculate and fill his ass. They're not real orgasms because I certainly don't derive any pleasure, but there are still sensations. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do about it; it's not like I can fight my erections. Viagra is just the magic pill.

Some of his games have also become more perverted. It all started last summer when he would take us out in the huge garden to enjoy a bit of the sun in the afternoons. Of course, it wasn't to relax on a deck chair. No, the purpose was to walk us around the huge garden, crawling on the grass and held by a leash, and to piss on trees, exactly like dogs would. This hasn't happened since last fall, but the leash has remained and Fabio often uses it here in the basement.

I used to find it a fun kink back in the days, and honestly enjoyed myself whenever Master Siegfried wanted to play a scene this way. As always, the situation is different here and I have grown to loathe all the things I loved at the Black Diamond within consensual boundaries.

So, yeah. I hate Fabio with all my strength. Andrei could almost pass off as a saint next to his younger brother. Almost being the key word. Except he is the one who commanded my abduction and put me into this hell of a place, so he holds a major responsibility into this mess. Then he is fully aware of how Fabio uses us, and he agrees to it. He even encourages it, I believe. He says that it's a fair reward for all the care his brother gives us, and by that he means hosting us, feeding us and training us.

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