Chapter 5 - The Fairy And His Guards

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The Darker Side Of The Moon
Book 4 of the Black Moon series
Chapter 5: The Fairy And His Guards

Thursday 27 Mar 2014

You would think that waking up after you have cried yourself to sleep, your mind would be all blurry. This is what happens in movies and books when a character pulls out of his sleep after a very stressful situation, in an unfamiliar environment. The guy usually wakes up in some sort of fog, feeling like there is something weird, not really knowing where he is. It allows him to evade for a moment before reality slaps him right in the face when he opens his eyes.

Unfortunately, I am not that lucky. I wish I could have had those few minutes of respite, wondering what kind of game Gary is playing again or imagining those wonderful things he could do to me after he has tied me to the bed. But I don't. I don't even need to move to know that I am still restrained to the bed, spread-eagled and lying on my stomach. Sadly, everything is crystal clear in my mind and I know exactly where I am. There is no momentary evasion possible, no gradual flashback seeping through my mind. The moment I wake up, all the memories of what happened yesterday flood straight into my head and when I open my eyes, believe me that reality is as horrible as it was last night; if not worse.

I am still chained to this bed and other than the fact that my bladder is painfully about to explode, my whole body aches with stiffness and burns from yesterday's whipping. And yet, this is nothing compared to the atrocious pain in my chest. My heart is bleeding at the thought of what my life is about to become, and it's even worse when I think about Gary and the fact that I might never see him again. Tears have started filling my eyes, but I keep them under control because I am not alone. I won't let him see these tears again; I am not going to give him that satisfaction, but I can't help a shudder at his touch.

"Good morning, Kitten," Andrei says after a long moment of silence.

His hands are brushing all over my back, rubbing some ointment into my skin; soothing ointment, I would guess from the smell that reaches my nostrils.

Out of nowhere, I suddenly remember my encounter with Chris last Saturday at the club and his awfully streaked back. Chris and Andrei have had short-term contracts ever since the Dom became a member a few months ago, taking breaks between each of them. From what Chris told us in the locker room, they had a pretty intense whipping scene on Friday evening and it seems like Andrei went way overboard on the poor Sub, marking him deeply, which is absolutely against the policies of the club and inappropriate in our lifestyle. I can't help wondering if he even provided him with the necessary aftercare. I don't have time to dwell on this, though, as a stinging slap lands on my backside, reviving the burning sensation where the belt hit me yesterday.

"I said good morning, Kitten!" he repeats.

"Good morning, Master..." I mumble reluctantly.

Good is not how I would describe this morning away from my Master and in this present situation.

"How are you feeling this morning, Kitten?" he then asks softly. As if it mattered to him! It must be the least of his preoccupations.

"Is it really important?" I reply a bit too harshly, earning another slap that makes me wince. That bastard never misses to choose an already painful spot.

"I'll have to teach you respect and some rules very quickly, I believe. Now answer the question and don't forget to address me properly!" he groans.

"I'm sore... Master..." I reply.

"Well that's kind of the point," he snorts. "I hope you'll remember this for long enough to behave as you should in the future. Your life won't be too difficult if you submit the way I expect you to. I am not that mean as you will see and contrary to what you may think, I do care for my pets."

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