Ch. 2 - A New Home

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Patryk POV (Unless stated otherwise)

After everyone got into the car, Matt began talking,

"As you know, I'm Matt. And that's Edd, my beautiful husband." A light blush spread across Edd's face.

"Not as beautiful as me of course," Matt added with a whisper. When I looked at Matt's hand, he had a wedding ring on his finger. Looking at Edd's hand that rested on the steering wheel, there was also a wedding ring on his finger. Looking at both Tom and Tord's hands, they both had a wedding ring on their fingers. So there all married, that's interesting. I looked at all of the guys in the car. Is Tord and Tom really married? They seem to dislike each other.

"This stupid commie is my husband," Tom said, pointing a finger at Tord.

"You know you love me," Tord smirked. "Whatever."

After we talked about other things, Me and Paul learned that Edd had a grey cat named Ringo. One of the more stupid things that was learned was Edd and Tord constantly argue over who gets the last piece of bacon, living with them was going to be interesting. Eventually, I feel asleep in the car, but when I woke up, the car was parked and we were at a house. Paul basically dragged me out of the car, I just wanted to sleep at this point. What really woke me up was Edd's neighbor yelling. I almost thought that it was Edd, except he had a mustache and wore slightly different clothes. There were two other men standing by the Edd look-alike, but they weren't saying anything. One man looked similar to Tom, but he didn't have spiky hair. The third man had blonde hair and was wearing a purple sweater. What the Edd clone said was something along the lines of

"Hey bozos. What are you bozos doing? Being stupid and having stupid kids, especially that one." Paul. He was talking about Paul. He pointed at Paul. This man is a jerk, he is now dead to me, he means nothing. Paul was about to say something but I stopped him.

"Wow, you're pathetic. Making fun of a kid's looks when you don't even look good?" The man was about to speak but I stopped him.

"You are a disgusting man, who deserves this." I walked up to the man that looked like Edd, punched him in the face, then kicked him in his crotch. The man collapsed on the ground whimpering.
"Come on Edd, Paul, we're going inside," Matt said, grabbing both of their hands and rushing them inside.

"Uh... come on Patryk, we should go inside too," Tom said becoming nervous. Like Matt, Tom grabbed Tord's hand, then my hand and pulled us inside.

"Paul, Patryk," Edd's voice was serious. "don't ever talk to Eduardo, or his friends Mark and Jon." Me and Paul both nodded, thinking about what Edd had said.

"Where are our rooms going to be?" Paul questioned. Tom whispered to Tord, Tord whispered to Edd, Edd whispered back, and Tord whispered back to Tom. A shocked and angry look spread across Tom's face, it was clear by now that Tom had anger problems.

"What?!" Tom's voice was full of anger, "There's only one open room? Tord, I asked you earlier when you were reading if we had two rooms open, and you said yes remember?"

"Yes," Tord said, the guilt was heavy in his voice.

"That's what I thought. Hmph." Tom was annoyed, he didn't exactly make it clear that he actually loved Tord.

"Tom, do you even like Tord?" I asked, I really wanted to know if my new parents were going to eventually get divorced.

"I don't think he does, but I love him too much to get a divorce," Tord said, collapsing on the sofa.

"W-what? You think I don't love you? Of course I love you, you idiot, or we wouldn't be married," Tom said, his voice becoming sadder as he spoke.

"You don't show it," Tord mumbled.

"Hey Patryk, let's bring our stuff to our room," Paul said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to what was supposed to be our room.

Tord's POV (It has been stated otherwise)

After the children went off to their room, I got off of the sofa and looked at Tom. He still seemed angry but I needed to ask him something.

"Do you think Patryk will fall in love with Paul, or someone else? What if Patryk doesn't like guys and is interested in women instead?"

"How should I know? It's hard to tell," Tom shrugged. "Anyways I'm going to sleep," Tom added as he began to walk away to our room. I quickly walked up to Tom and picked him up bridal style,

"What are you doing?" He said, somewhat annoyed.

"You're going to show me that you love me," I told him in a seductive voice, Tom blushed but nodded as I carried him to our room.

(I'm almost sorry.)

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