Ch. 14 - Battle Plans

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Patryk's POV

Next week, our army was meant to attack another army. Why? Because we couldn't let the other base strike first. Gizmo brought back information, another army, the blue army, was planning a surprise attack on our army. Basically, Tord wants no one slacking and he wants everyone to train. Me and Paul think we trained enough and we should be fine, we're also focused on keeping our relationship a secret.

Later, all the soldiers were told the plan for the attack. The plan was horrible, it's most likely Tord came up with the plan himself. The plan was to just to charge at them and hope for the best. I think it's stupid and I'm pretty sure most of the others do too. No one was about to correct Tord though, he's shown to be very violent. Looking around, some soldiers clearly had confused looks on their faces, if Tord saw a soldier making a confused face he would call them out.

"Alexander! Do you dare question your leader? I'm sure you couldn't come up with a better plan." Tord began glaring.

"Hell yeah I'm questioning you! Any other plan could be better than this. Going head on is just stupid and is going to kill so many soldiers. It will only be a waste!" Tord only continued to glare. This is stupid. Everything is stupid.

"The plan will not be changed and I'll be leaving. Be prepared." Well, looks like some people are going to die, that or Eliza and Kaze are going to have a lot of work. After Tord left, everyone seemed on edge, they're all probably worried that they'll get hurt or someone they care about will get hurt. Honestly, I can't blame them. What would I do if Paul got hurt? What if he was killed? He would leave me all alone with no one.

To distract myself from the fact that Paul could die, I went to ask Gizmo about his mission while Paul went to eat and possibly talk to the other soldiers. Gizmo wasn't training when I found him, he was sitting on the ground in a corner, he was looking at a necklace.

"Where did you get that?" I asked, crouching to be more on his level.

"That one girl gave it to me. The one we had to get the information from. Her name is Sapphire, she gave me this necklace. I don't know what to do with it, our relationship is meant to be temporary," He said, sighing.

"Your relationship?" Gizmo looked at me, then back at the necklace.

"So... we began dating. It would be easier to get information, she'd trust me more. But now... I don't know what to do. She's an amazing person. If I were to end the relationship, I'd feel like a jerk. If I don't, I'll continue to feel like a traitor." I tried to think of something to say.

"I've never been in a situation like yours. But, if I were you, I'd stay with her and keep it a secret." Gizmo continued to stare at the necklace.

"Thanks. I don't know why I told you this. You're Tord's kid aren't you? You'll probably tell him, won't you?"

"No, I don't really agree with Tord or like him for that matter." Gizmo smiled.

"Okay, cool. Paul will probably be looking for you soon."

"Alright, bye Gizmo." Gizmo waved as I walked away.

"You were gone for a while. What were you doing?" Paul said, smiling when he saw me.

"Just talking to Gizmo."

"About what?"

"He's having girl problems and he asked me for advice." Paul smiled even more.

"At least you're actually getting along with someone besides me."

"Yeah, sure." When I finally thought that I wouldn't be thinking about the battle anymore, being around Paul only reminded me that he could possibly die. But, when the battle is over next week, I'll either be worrying more or less.




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