Ch. 3 - School

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Patryk's POV

"Patryk, wake up. Patryk, it's time for school," Paul's voice said softly.

"We still have school today?" I grumbled sleepily.

"Just because we got adopted doesn't mean we get to skip school. Also, Tord told me to get you, so you can't be mad at me."

"I wouldn't have been mad at you anyways," I said after getting up and beginning to look through boxes. I was looking for my backpack and a few of my notebooks.

 After me and Paul found our backpacks and the right notebooks, we went to the kitchen for breakfast. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I heard Tord yell,

"Ow! Damn, that burns. It's hot as hell." Tord was looking at his hand that he probably just burned on the pan that was sitting on the stove.

"It's probably not as hot as you~" Tom said, Tord smirked and  said,

"Someone's in a good mood today."

"Don't act like you don't know why."

"Um... what are you making?" I asked Tord. 

"Bacon," he replied as he finished making the rest of the bacon. After everyone had been eating for a while, there was only one piece left, that's when the arguing started. Tord and Edd were arguing

"Why don't you get more from the freezer?" Edd wasn't going to give up the last piece.

"There isn't anymore because your fat ass ate it all!" Tord wasn't going to give it up. I heard a bus honk its horn, Paul heard it too, it was our bus. Paul quickly ran out the door to the bus, before I ran to the bus I grabbed the last piece of bacon and ran to the bus. I looked behind to see if I'd be in trouble when I got home, Edd and Tord's faces were filled with surprise and shock. I finished the bacon as I got on the bus and noticed Paul sitting alone, across from him was a girl sitting alone. The girl immediately noticed me when I got on the bus, so did a lot of other girls on the bus, it was quickly making me uncomfortable. The girl across from Paul winked at me and moved  more towards the window to make space for someone to sit. As I began walking towards Paul's seat, I heard a couple of girl's whisper to each other, things like

"He is kind of cute."

"I wonder if he's single."

"There's no way you could be that cute and NOT have a girlfriend."

"Damn, you're right." I quickly sat next to Paul, the girl across from him seemed disappointed. 

The bus ride wasn't that interesting, I fell asleep on the bus though, when I woke up we were at school. Me and Paul changed schools because of where the house was, I wasn't friends with anyone besides Paul, I only needed Paul. Me and Paul shared a locker and we were lucky enough to have the same classes and for a middle school, this place was pretty big. We had six classes every day and they were always in the same order everyday. Our first class was math, it was boring but the teacher called me and Paul up to the front of the room.

"Class, we have two new students today. As you can tell they are both males, now why don't you two say your names." Before Paul started speaking, I heard some of the girls whisper, "Look it's that cute boy from the bus earlier."

"Should we ask him if he's single?"

"Yeah, let's do it." after the girl's ramblings the teacher began speaking again.

"Why don't you tell us your name?" " My name is Patryk Larsson." One of the girls started speaking, only this time she wasn't whispering, she was yelling.

"He's soo cute and has a cute name to go with his cute face. He's even shy which makes him even cuter! Hey, are you single?" The teacher was stunned into silence.

"Um... yes I'm single," I mumbled, a blush slowly spreading across my face. Because the teacher didn't know what else to say, she gently pushed me and Paul towards our seats. While I walked past a couple of desks I heard the girl speaking to each other with hushed voices.

"I can't believe someone that cute is single."

"Maybe one of us could ask him out, if he said yes they'd instantly be the cutest couple at school." I don't understand what's so amazing about me, but whatever, even if there isn't anything special they all think I'm just some adorable, shy, boy. The next three classes were similar to the first one, the teacher called me and Paul up to the front of the class, girls would be talking about how cute I am, I wonder if this is how the rest of the school year will go. But Paul, no one would ever talk about Paul, only me.

Lunch was somewhat interesting, a girl actually came up to me at lunch. The girl pulled out a chair and looked at me and said: "Hey cutie, are you free tonight?" I looked up at her,

"No. I have plans with Paul tonight," I said pointing towards Paul. The girl looked shocked.

"Don't we Paul?"

"Huh? Oh... um, yeah we had plans." Paul smiled, he realized I picked him over some girl. The girl looked like she was about to cry, then, anger spread across her face.

"Fine! I see how it is!" She shouted. After the girl had left, Paul looked at me.

"Why didn't you want to hang out with her?" Paul asked, still looking at me.

"I would rather be with you instead of some random girl," I said, full of confidence.

"O-oh," Paul mumbled, a light blush on his face, this made me laugh, which only made Paul blush more. I looked over at the table that the girl sat at, she was bawling, her friends comforting her. Suddenly the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and we should start going to our next class. The rest of the day at school wasn't really interesting.


Sorry it took so long to update! I was really busy, but now I have a lot of free time because there is no more school. Feel free to comment or whatever else. Anyways, I'll see you in the next chapter!

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