Ch. 12 - The Mission

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Patryk's POV

Today was the day, it was the day we had to begin the mission with Gizmo. Neither me or Paul have heard Gizmo say a word yet, he really doesn't ever speak, which surprised us both. Before we left, Tord told us that the lady should be at a bar, like she has been every day for the past 2 months. Before we left, we had to change our clothes so the lady wouldn't suspect anything. When we got in the bar, me and Paul began looking for the lady, Gizmo tapped on my shoulder and pointed towards the bar, where a lady was drinking.

"Alright, how should we do this?" Paul asked.

"How should I know? What do you think Gizmo?" I said, looking towards Gizmo. He didn't say anything, he only made a heart with his hands.

"So seduction?" Paul questioned, Gizmo nodded.

"Well, this is your idea, so you're going to be the one seducing. You need to be able to speak to do that, can you speak?" I said. He nodded.

"Well, you need to speak to be able to seduce someone. Go get to work." I pushed Gizmo towards the lady.

"Shouldn't we do something too?" Paul asked looking at me.

"It was his idea. Plus, I suck at seduction," I said watching Gizmo

Gizmo's POV

Patryk shoved me towards the lady, I turned around and glared at him. He was supposed to do this mission with Paul, I'm here to try to stop them from somehow screwing this up and get hurt or killed. I hate that kid. I looked towards the lady, there was an open seat next to her. I did my best to look depressed and sat down at the seat. The bartender came over as soon as I sat down,

"What will you be having?" He asked. I looked over at the lady's drink, and made a small motion towards it.

"Coke and rum it is then," he said. "Weird kid." I sighed, still trying to looked depressed. I glanced towards Paul and Patryk, they were talking, not even paying attention to what I was doing. Because I was bored and the drink was taking a while I started looking around, maybe I looked paranoid because the lady looked at me and began talking,

"You paranoid or somethin' kid?" I looked towards her and gently nodded.

"What for?" This wasn't a yes or no question so I had to speak, it's slightly painful for me to speak, the pain increases the more I speak. I took a deep breath.

"Just... I've been on edge ever since an... accident,"I said, speaking gently. Beside me, Paul and Patryk pulled out bar stools, probably so they could hear what we were saying.

"Accident?" I had her attention now.

"Never mind, I don't really want to talk about it. It brings back painful memories."

"How about you tell me about your accident and I'll tell you about an accident that recently happened to me." 

Patryk's POV

"God, Gizmo is taking forever," I whisper to Paul.

"You need time to seduce someone, y'know," Paul whispered back.

"I guess, but they only seem to be having a normal conversation."

"It's not like you're the one seducing her. Maybe it's actually really difficult." I looked towards Gizmo and the girl.

"I should get going before I drink too much. Don't forget about our plans!" The lady said.

"So, what happened?" Paul asked Gizmo.

"Did you get the information?" I asked. Gizmo cleared his throat.

"Getting information takes time, you can't just go in asking for information," Gizmo said bluntly.

"So you didn't get the information we needed?" I asked.

"It takes time!" Gizmo growled before coughing horribly. The three of us went back to the base and went into Tord's office.

"Did you get the information?" He said, looking straight at me.

"No. Gizmo said it takes time." Tord looked at Gizmo.

"How much time will it take?"

"At most, one week. That's if I'm able to leave the base and continue to talk to her," Gizmo said before coughing and whimpering.

"You had better have the information by one week, or you'll be punished. Specifically, you, Gizmo," Tord said glaring at Gizmo.

"I know that, that's how it has always been. Even before I met you." Tord sighed

"You're dismissed." Me and Paul separated from Gizmo and went separate directions. Me and Paul went to sleep, we were extremely tired from getting up early and it being so late.


Bloop. So, I don't say what the characters are wearing because I wanted to leave it up to the reader to decide what they're wearing.

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