Ch. 15 - Their Relationships

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This chapter will be about all the soldiers and their relationships. Also, I forgot to say what Sapphire looked like. She has sapphire colored eyes and an undercut (Look it up), her hair is black dyed dark blue. Also, not all the relationships will be romantic.

Patryk and Paul

Patryk's POV

There are two days before the battle. Because I've been so worried about Paul, I decided that we should go out somewhere, so I was taking Paul to get dinner. We left without telling anyone because we thought no one would care. After walking to the restaurant, we got a table and began looking through the menu.

"Sir, have you decided on what you want?" The waiter asked, a fake smile across his face.

"Yeah." Paul told the waiter a food and a drink, he wrote it down on his notepad.

"And you ma'am?" The waiter looked at me. Paul began laughing.

"Actually, I'm a man..." I mumbled. The waiter's face quickly turned red.

"A-ah. I apologize for being so stupid, sir!" Paul was still smiling.

"It's fine. It doesn't really bother me," I said, quietly laughing.

"I'll go place your orders. They'll be out shortly." After getting the food and eating it, we paid the bill and left. When we got back to the base, Paul wouldn't stop talking about how a waiter called me a woman.

Gizmo and Sapphire

Gizmo's POV

I left the base, I was going to Sapphire's house again. It still feels wrong to be with her, but I'd feel horrible for leaving her. Damn, if Patryk or Paul had been the ones who seduced her, they be able to end the relationship easily. I want to tell her that I was in the Red Army, but I know that would cause some sort of a problem. I knocked on the door to Sapphire's house.

"Coming!" Her voice was cheery, when I first started talking to her, she always sounded depressed but now she was happy. I wonder if it's because of me? The battle is in two more days, I hope no one hurts her. God, what kind of mess did I get myself into? I didn't realize I was so zoned out until Sapphire started shaking me.

"Gizmo, wake up!"

"Huh? I'm fine."

"Well, come inside. Sit down, we can talk for a while." I nodded and she dragged me inside and set me on her couch.

"Maybe you could sleep here tonight," She said with a smile and a wink.

"Don't you have to go to your base?" I whispered.

"They wouldn't care that I'm gone one night, especially if I was with you." I took a deep breath.

"Sapphire, I really need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Sapphire sounded worried and nervous.

"Please don't hate me," I whispered.

"Listen, I care about you a lot, that's why I haven't told you this yet. I'm afraid you're going to hate me and I knew you wouldn't trust me if I told you earlier but I'm apart of another army, the red army. Originally, I had to get information from you, but, in the process I realized that I care about you more than anyone else I've ever met." I quietly waited for a response.

"You could've killed him."


"You could've killed the one I loved. You could've pulled the trigger." Before I could say anything she slapped me, and sweet Jesus did it sting. She hits hard.

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