Ch. 24 - Revenge

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Patryk's POV

I will not rest until I get my revenge. I've already thought of a plan. Basically, I need to kidnap Simon and Yuki, then Ashton will have to choose which lives and which dies. His brother or his lover? It will be interesting. His choice will depend on who he cares more about. I want him to feel the same pain I felt. The pain of losing someone you care deeply about. Time to start.

They are on a walk again, so, it's simple. I'll follow them back to wherever they stay and take all of them, one at a time. After that, Ashton will have to choose.

After a couple of hours, I have finally gotten all three of them in one spot. Now, all I need to do is tie them up, make sure they can't get loose, and finally, the decision. I can't wait.

I decided to go to a forest to do this. To tie them up. To get my revenge. I tied all three to a separate tree. I sat on the grass and waited for them to get up.

"Ugh. My head," Yuki grumbled, slowly lifting his head. Yuki looked at me and squinted.

"Hey... you... what was your name again?" 

"Who are you talking to?" Simon whispered. He wasn't wearing glasses. They must've fallen off at some point.

"Him... right there." Yuki tried to use his arm to point but failed.

"My arms..." Yuki was being surprisingly quiet and calm considering the situation he was in.

"What the hell?" Ashton growled. I walked in front of him and smiled.

"Long time no see, friend. You're going to pay for what you did to Paul. Now, who do you care about more? Your brother? Or your boyfriend?"

"Don't touch them."

"Oh, what happened? You're not flirting with me like before. Is it because your boyfriend is here?"

"I don't care what I said to you or did to you. Do not touch them."

"I'm not going to waste time with you. Choose one. Now." I walked up to Simon. "I'll choose then. Simon." I put a knife up to his throat.

"How was it you killed him? A knife to the throat, right?"

"N-no, please. Don't hurt him. P-please. I'll... I'll tell you anything you want to know," Ashton stuttered. For once, he was scared, terrified of what the future held.

"Tell me why you killed Paul."

"I didn't..." He mumbled.

"Then who was dead on the news? You want to tell me that?" I slowly began pressing the knife against Simon's throat. He let out a squeak of pain. Ashton had tears running down his face at this point.

"I have no idea what the man's name was. He looked similar to Paul so me and Yuki switched them. We dressed him in a red sweater like Paul normally wore and I made sure I left him face down after I killed him. None of the neighbors had seen him enough to know what he looks like. Paul is alive and being held at the Red Army base. Tord has been trying to get information from him for the past couple of months. That's why I was told to leave Edd, Matt, and Tom alive," He rambled, breathing heavily.

"How do I know you're not lying? After everything, why should I trust you?"

"I can show you. If you don't believe me, just kill me and get it over with. Please..."

"If I cut you three down, you will listen or you will die." All three nodded. I need to see Paul again. I took the knife and used it to cut the rope they were tied with. Yuki and Simon collapsed on the ground, Ashton landed on his feet and ran to Simon and held him.

"Simon, are you okay? Did he cut into your skin at all?"

"Right, just ignore your only brother, the one person in the family who cared about you."

"I'm sorry, did you have a knife against your throat?" Ashton growled.

"Show me where Paul is."

"They'll kill you on sight. What if we bring him to you."

"You won't come back. I'm not that stupid."

"Keep Yuki with you. I'll give you Paul, you give me Yuki."

"I didn't agree to this," Yuki mumbled.

"Fine. You have a week."

"Fine. A week."

"God, I hate you sometimes," Yuki whispered to no one.

"C'mon, Yuki," I said, turning and walking away.

"Sure. Not like anyone was going to listen to me anyways."

"Keep your mouth shut."


Ashton's POV

"So you're sure you're okay?" I asked again, worried about Simon.

"Of course. He gently pressed the knife against my neck, it's only a scratch," He said with a small smile.

"You made a noise like you were in pain. I... got worried. Sorry." Simon gently wrapped his arms around my waist.

"At least you care. When we get back, can we take a nap?"


"Will you let down your hair?"

"...Just this once..."



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