Ch. 16 - The Battle

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Patryk's POV

Tord was about to send the soldiers into battle, so many were going to die or get injured. Anyone could die, maybe Tord didn't see that. Maybe Tord didn't care about the soldiers' lives. All I knew was that we were about to fight, everyone seemed to have a different reaction for fighting. Some were excited, like Amber, Max, and August. Some were nervous, like Raffe, Kaze, and Gizmo. Some seemingly had no feelings, like Kageia, Eliza, and Alexander.

When the battle started, it took a couple of minutes for the blue army to fire back. The air was filled with lead bullets, all anyone would be able to hear was gunshots. No one I knew had gotten hurt... yet.  More and more gunshots. Soon, bodies were scattered across the ground everywhere. I was about to shoot a blue army soldier, but someone tackled me.

"Don't touch Sapphire," Gizmo growled, pointing a pistol at my face.

"What happened to feeling like a traitor?" I mumbled staring at Gizmo.

"Sapphire is more important than you." Gizmo got off of me and began looking at Sapphire and asking if she was okay.

"Ugh, god," I muttered getting up.

"There's no time to wallow."

I haven't seen Paul yet, which started worrying me. For all I know, he could be laying in a pool of his own blood. I wandered around shooting any blue soldier I saw, I noticed Eliza and Kaze grabbing any soldiers that were still alive and moved them to a safer place as an attempt to help them. Some soldiers were carrying their friends that had been injured, I wonder if Tord is even fighting, he's probably watching all of the soldiers die and not doing a thing about it. Soon, I noticed people I knew getting hurt, it seemed like both Laurens and Amber got shot and Alex was carrying them. Eliza and Kaze were carrying August, who was passed out... or worse. No one's life means anything to Tord, just an obstacle removed from his path, one death is one less person to take care of. If Tord were to die, someone better could take his place.  Someone like me or Paul. 

Traveling around the area more, I kept finding more red army bodies, none were Paul's, I don't know if that's good or bad though. Eventually, after a while, it wasn't as loud, I could hear people talking.

"Where's Tord?"

"Tord? What about the guy who's always with his kid?"

"Has anyone seen either of them?"

"They could've gotten injured and moved themselves into a safer place, or they're dead." I tried to keep a straight face, no one needed to see me crushed and hurt. One thing I knew is that I needed to find Paul, before something happens to him.

After a minute of wandering around, I couldn't find Paul.

"Well, if it isn't my son." Here's Tord laying on the ground, clutching his stomach, blood staining his clothes, smiling.

"Looks like someone's a crappy leader." I put my hand on my pistol. Tord's smile faded,

"Now, listen here you little sh-" The sound of one final gunshot filled the area, Tord's body now lay lifeless on the ground, still holding his stomach. I turned around when I heard someone coughing.

"Paul!" Paul had blood all over his body, but only his abdomen and eye seemed injured.

"Paul! Can you hear me?"

"It hurts Pat," He mumbled.

"Can you walk?"

"Not without support." I grabbed Paul, making sure I didn't hurt him, and helped him stand and began slowly walking to where the doctors were supposed to be.

"It's Paul!" Kaze said. Kaze and Eliza took Paul and began to look at his wounds.

"Patryk, I'm sorry but we need you to leave." I looked at Paul

"Pat, if I survive this, I want to marry you." Hearing him say that brought tears to my eyes, but I turned and left like Eliza said.


Sorry this took so long. School started three weeks ago and I haven't had much time to work on this story.

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