Ch. 7 - The News

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I got this idea because of JadeBug06

Tom's POV

Currently, I was on the phone with Tord.

"So they're apart of the army now," Tord said.

"So I'm going to need you to tell Edd and Matt."

"Do it yourself!" I growled into the phone.

"Can you at least give them the phone?"

"Fine." I began walking towards Edd and Matt's room, they knew that Paul was with Tord at the base, but I'm sure they never expected Paul to be apart of the army.

When I got to their room I knocked on the door.

"Edd, Matt, I have news about Paul." The door quickly opened after I finished my sentence.

"Did Paul get hurt? What happened to my child?" Edd quickly said, he was already panicking and I didn't even tell him the news yet.

"Um, well, he isn't hurt at all. But, Tord asked him and Patryk to join his army and both Paul and Patryk agreed. So, Paul is now a soldier of Tord's army." Edd was silent, Matt, who was behind him, was also silent.

"How could Tord do that?! Risking my child's life and even his own child's life? And he didn't ask me or Edd!" Well, now Matt was panicking and Edd started screaming. Edd was screaming about what they're going to do if Paul gets hurt and what he and Matt were going to do when Tord came back from the base.

"Actually, I had him on the phone a couple of minutes ago, but he hung up when you started panicking," I stated holding the phone out towards Edd. He quickly dialed Tord's phone number, full of anger.

"Tom, I'm going to need a couple of minutes. So if you could just come back in about 15 minutes."

"Alright, I got it."

I went downstairs and turned on the TV, Doctor Why was on. I needed to think about what exactly Tord had gotten our kid into, what was he thinking? More importantly, did Patryk know what he was doing when he agreed to be a soldier? If I don't see Patryk again, I will definitely punch Tord in the face, I know for sure that both Edd and Matt are going to punch Tord. After 20 minutes of thinking, Matt came into the living room holding the phone.

"Edd yelled at Todd a lot, I had to take the phone from him." I nodded and took the phone from Matt, he left and went back to his room. I wonder how things are going with Paul and Patryk right now?


All of the chapter I've been making seem so short to me. But I'm trying to make them longer. Anyways, thanks for the idea for this chapter, it was really helpful. One more thing, there are going to be soldier in the next chapter and I don't want to just call them all soldier, so if there are any charater suggestions, that would be helpful.

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