Ch. 22 - Why?

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Patryk's POV

Working at a coffee shop is easy, but it reminds me of school. Want to know why? The girls. It's all repeating itself.  The only difference is this time, I don't have Paul by my side to help me. He hasn't called Matt or Edd. Everyone has been worried. Everyone had called. Everyone has left a message. But nothing.

I sat on the sofa in the living room. I turned on the TV so I could watch the news. To see if there was anything interesting. There was a murder, which isn't exactly normal but it's not that interesting. As I was about to change the channel, I heard the name of the victim.

"Paul Gould was found dead this morning at 7:30 a.m. inside of his apartment. Neighbors noticed a strange smell coming from his apartment. When he did not answer his door, they went to the landlord of the apartment building. The landlord opened the door only to find the owner dead in his own home. Investigators say they have very little evidence except that this man was killed with a knife and the balcony door was unlocked. If any new information is found, please contact the police immediately." After the report ended, I heard a pained scream.

"No! My child! My only child!" Edd began sobbing again, and Matt immediately went to comfort Edd in his room.

"There's no way this is is happening. This has to be a dream." I mumbled to myself. Paul, my first friend who became my enemy, now dead. This has to have something to do with Tord. Most wouldn't kill without a reason. I heard my phone ring from my pocket. I didn't recognize the number but I answred, it could be someone from work.

"Hey, buddy. Heard your little boyfriend Paul died. You must be crushed. It would be such a shame if Matt, Edd, and Tord died too." The voice was a man's and the way they spoke made it sound like they were telling a joke. He was close to laughing.

"Who are you? T-the police can track your call. They'll find you and arrest you."

"Oh yes, of course they will. There's no way we're trying to throw them off or anything."

"Who the hell are you!?"

"You'll find out soon enough." After he finished he hung up and left me in a stunned silence.

???'s POV

I smiled and laughed this was fun. Much more fun than I had thought it would be.

"Ashton, come here!" I heard him call. I slowly walked to the man who said my name.

"Yes, sir."

"Were you the one who killed Paul?"

"Hmm. Of course, sir. No one in this damned place is as skilled as I am. No one can challenge me. Unless, of course, they have a death wish."

"Right..." The leader sounded unimpressed but cleared his throat and continued what he was saying.

"You have another job, this one is bigger than before you-”

"Is it another assassination?  Those are the best jobs. All the other stuff sucks.” he glared at me for interrupting.

"You, your brother, and our little hacker will kill everyone associated with Patryk, Edd, Matt, and Tom. But do not kill those four." I let out a huge sigh.

"I thought I would killing more important people, not Paul because you want revenge."

"You wanted an assassination and you have one. Quit being a whiny little bitch."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll go get my baby boy and my brother." As I turned to walk away, I heard Tord make a digusted sound. I chuckled as I went away to go get the two. My hacker boyfriend and my smart brother. I went into the room where my beautiful Simon was sitting at a computer in his room, as usual. My brother was his roommate, that's how I met Simon.

"Hey gorgeous," I mumbled gently putting my hands on Simon's shoulders and kissing his head.

"Hi, what's up?"

"All three of us got a job." My brother's head perked up.

"A job together? All of us?" I smiled at Yuki.

"Yep." I explained to them what we were told to do.

"Sounds easy, let's get started," Simon said, getting up and leaving the room.


Ta-Da. I've done it. I feel bad for having more characters that aren't actually from Eddsworld. But, I updated like I said. Also, I hope random gay boys makes up for not updating and no longer having a Paul.


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