Ch. 6 - The Red Army

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Patryk's POV

"What's happening? Tord where are you going?" I asked, slowly becoming concerned. Tom was hugging Tord and mumbling something along the lines of "Goodbye, I'll miss you." Tord looked at me,

"I have some... business to attend to." It seemed like he was hiding something.

"What kind of business?" I was more suspicious than concerned.

"Military kind of business."

"Can I come?"

"I don't think it's-"

"You don't trust me? I won't do anything wrong, especially if Paul is with me." Tord sighed, Tom was probably going to become angry if Tord brought me with him.

"Fine, you and Paul can come with me."

"What?!" Tom said, he was definitely angry and concerned.

"You do realize if Edd and Matt find out they'll be pissed!" Tord gently hugged Tom.

"Don't worry Tom, I'll make sure they don't get hurt," Tord said casually.

"If they get hurt, I swear I'll-" Tord cut Tom off by kissing him on the lips.

"I promise they won't get hurt," Tord whispered in a sweet voice. This seemed to relax Tom, I don't really understand what relaxed him or why, but whatever. Tord said something else to Tom, but he was mumbling and I couldn't tell what he said, I just know that Tom began to blush, I wonder exactly what Tord said.

"Okay come on Paul, Patryk, let's go," Tord said walking towards the car. Also, I'm not going to tell Tom or Tord that I'm now Paul's boyfriend, We aren't sure what they'll think so we just aren't going to tell them.

I feel asleep in the car, I noticed that Paul did too.

"Get up, it's time to get out of the car." Tord's voice was what woke me up, Paul too. We listened to what Tord said and almost fell out of the car, I was still sleepy. We were at a base, an army base, many of the people walking around the area looked like soldiers and wore a navy coat over a red sweater, t-shirt, or anything else that was red. As the three of us walked through the halls of the base, everyone stopped what they were doing and saluted Tord as he walked by.

"Sir!" one soldier said as we walked by. After much walking, we went into a room and sat down.

"Do you realize what this is?" Tord questioned.

"An army base," Paul stated.

"No shit Sherlock," Tord began, "do you know what army?"

"No," I said looking at him.

"It's the Red Army," Tord said.

"Does Tom know?" I asked him.

"Yes. I'm going to be gone a lot more now. I have a lot of work to do."

"Are me and Paul going home now?" I asked, beginning to get bored.

"That depends, do you and Paul want to become soldiers?"

"Won't Tom be mad?"

"Stop asking questions and give me an answer kid." Tord was clearly becoming annoyed. I looked at Paul trying to see what he was thinking, I couldn't really tell whether he wanted to or not, but he looked like he was nodding.

"Okay," I said, "We'll become soldiers." Tord smiled, but his smile held no warmth, it was dark and cold, his ruby eyes glinting.


I did it! The good news is, I actually finished another chapter today. Bad news is I'm not sure what should come next so I'm trying to come up with ideas. I had all of this story written down in a notebook, but I never thought of anything that could come after this. I'll think for a while though.

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