Ch. 5 - High School

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After me and Paul finished hugging, we went back to our room to finish our homework for the day. When our homework was done, we decided to go to sleep. When we woke up we ate breakfast and went to school. At school we held hands in the hallways, everyone stared at us, they were giving me questioning looks but no one actually said anything. Class was boring, like always. At lunch, a girl came up to me, she had an angry look but seemed to be close to tears.

"You chose to be with him over me?" The girl growled. I nodded, I didn't know her name I hardly knew anyone's name, simply because I didn't care about anyone else. I leaned over and kissed Paul on the cheek, tears formed and a face turned red. There was only two more classes after our lunch, similar to middle school. Me and Paul were never separated, we had the same classes and same locker, it was awesome. The first class after lunch, me and Paul talked the whole class, the teacher didn't care but there was this one kid who would always shush us, it was pretty annoying. After that class, we had an art class, there was a substitute teacher and because she didn't know what to do, she handed everyone a piece of paper and told us we had to free draw. I drew an army soldier with a gun, so did Paul, when the teacher looked at our drawings she awkwardly said good job, it's not like she gave us restrictions. After we finished our drawings we just sat around for the rest of class, being bored, like normal. Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of class along with school. When me and Paul got to our lockers, we put all of our stuff away and began walking home, we hardly ever had homework so we just left everything at school. When we got home and opened the door to our house, Tord was wearing a uniform and it seemed like he was about to leave.


I'm sorry the chapter is so short, the chapter before this was supposed to be apart of this chapter, but I changed it. I'm going to try and finish the next chapter today.

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