Ch. 8 - A Tour

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This chapter is after Tord and Edd's phone call.

Patryk's POV

After me and Paul got our uniforms, we put them on, we both had red sweaters with a navy coat over it. Tord told me and Paul to wander around the base and get used to where everything is, and we should remember where his office was in case we needed him.

"Well, so much for getting Tord to show us around," Paul mumbled.

"I guess it would've been helpful. Wait, because we're soldiers does that mean we're skipping school?" I asked Paul realizing that we were suppose to go to school tomorrow.

"Well, we're skipping school now anyways." Paul stopped and began reading a sign that was next to a door. I looked at the sign it read 'Medical Center'.

"Hey Paul, maybe we should meet whoever the doctor is," I suggested. Paul nodded and opened the door to the health center.

"You'll be okay, I promise." A woman's voice said, I'm assuming she's the doctor. She seemed to be talking to a patient.

"Um... Doctor Mercy the new recruits that are supposed to be Tord's children are here," A boy with a soft voice said. So far, the boy seemed to be quiet, which was somewhat surprising considering he was in the army. Mercy had black hair tied back, with dark blue eyes. The unnamed assisting had wavy silver hair with light green eyes.

"Ah, right, they were supposed to be looking around the base. My name is Eliza Mercy but you can call me Eliza. Kaze, go help them and don't worry about me, I have everything under control."

"Um. Yes, Miss Mercy." Kaze moved towards me and Paul so he wouldn't get in the way.

"So, as you probably know, this is where we take care of the wounded soldiers. Mercy is the one who is in control of everything here, I'm her assistant, Kaze Dulcis. I think Tord said your names were Paul and Patryk, right?"

"Those are our names but I'm Tord's child, Paul is Edd and Matt's child," I said explaining to Kaze.

"Oh, sorry. And I don't know who Edd and Matt are, Tord never said anything about them. If you want I could help show you around, Miss Mercy would be okay with it," Kaze said, gently smiling.

"Sure, It'd be easier than wandering around without any idea where we're going," Paul said.

"Okay, follow me."

After walking for a minute, we arrived at a cafeteria.

"If you couldn't tell, this is where everyone eats. There's no set time for when we eat, so everyone just comes here when they want a snack or something to drink. My friend August helps with cooking, there's another guy named Alexander who cooks. We can go see them if you want," Kaze said, gently smiling once again.

"Sure, it'd be nice to know more people." I wonder what the two cooks are like. Kaze turned and walked towards the kitchen, there was a door that lead to the kitchen, he knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Who is it?" A voice said.

"Kaze. The new recruits are here." The door opened and a boy with black hair and red eyes smiled at Kaze.

"Hi, I'm August. August Boletus," August said. August began to focus on Kaze again

"So, why did you come here?" August asked.

"I wanted the new recruits to get to know more people."

"Well, there's only me here, so they won't meet very many people."

"What happened to Alex?" August held the door open, and closed it when everyone was in the kitchen.

"Alex still wants to fight, it's not right. He quit cooking so he could train more and spar with the other soldiers. I need to go continue cooking, I'm the only one. Bye," August said. He hurried off into another part of the kitchen when he finished talking. Kaze walked towards the exit so we could explore more of the base.

"I think we'll go to the Technology Lab next," Kaze said.

Arriving at the Technology Lab, there were people inside, three guys. One had dark blue hair and yellow eyes, another had light brown hair with dark brown streaks and golden eyes, the third one had dirty blonde hair with brown eyes.

"Hello," Kaze said.

"Hi Ka- who are these two? I don't recognize them," The blue haired one said.

"The new recruits, remember? The ones that are Tord's children? Oh, and Paul, Patryk, the blue one is Kageia Akuno, the dirty blonde one is Raffe, and the golden eyes one is Max." The three began whispering to each other.

"We don't remember hearing anything about new soldiers," Raffe said, confusion filling his voice.

"Well, this is Paul and this is Patryk."

"Anyways, you need to leave. Like now. We have a project to finish and you are distracting everyone," Max said.

"Alright, we'll be going to where the soldiers train next," Kaze said before turning and leaving.

In the training area there were many soldiers of course.

"Alright, so some of the soldiers I know are Laurens, Amber, and Alexander," Kaze said pointing at a small group of people. This tour is beginning to annoy me, I don't really care to meet new people. One of the three people had fluffy light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail with bright green eyes and freckles splashed across his face. The second had long, wavy, light blonde hair with ice blue eyes. And the third had short, light blonde hair with dark blue eyes.

"Kaze isn't doing doctor things! Hey, did you by any chance see August? He never comes to visit me," The brown haired one said.

"You're a man?!" Paul shouted, he must have thought this guy was a women. I did too, but his voice was a man's.

"How in the hell can you not tell that this is a man?" The girl with wavy hair growled. "Calm down Amber," The blonde guy said. Kaze cleared his throat.

"Anyways, Laurens I did talk to August but he didn't say anything about you," Kaze said. Laurens immediately looked heartbroken.

"So, is Laurens a first name or last name?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter," Laurens mumbled.

"Oh, these are the new recruits, right? Their names are Paul and Patryk They're Tord's kids. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm Alexander Hamilton, that's Amber Lyon, then there's Laurens," Alex said.

"Really? You had to say my last name?" Amber said, annoyed.


"Can we just end this tour now?" I was annoyed and tired.

"Well, I'm going to show them where they sleep, bye," Kaze said walking off. Amber glared at me and Paul as we left and I glared back. Meanwhile, Laurens looked like he was going to cry, all because August didn't mention him, maybe he's gay for August?

"This is where you sleep. So, you definitely have not been pleasant company but if for some reason you need me I'll be in the Medical Center," Kaze said I glared at him as he left, all he did was smirk. That was our tour, I feel asleep as soon as I collapsed on a bed, I think Paul did too.


I'm reposting this chapter because I wanted to change the characters. I'm on another vacation with my family, but I'll still be able to update or at least work on the story. I created so many characters. One more thing, let me know what you thought of the characters I created, because I'm actually really curious.

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