Ch. 11 - Information On Soldiers

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Patryk's POV

As soon as Laurens told me and Paul that Tord had been looking for us, we went to his office.

"There you are! Took you long enough," Tord said.

"Anyways, because one of you is my child. I figured that it would be good for you to know something about the soldiers you're working with." Tord handed us files, each of them had a name of someone we had met.

Eliza Mercy - Has family, somewhere. She had wanted to be a doctor since she was six years old and thought her name was perfect for the job. She doesn't sleep much, she constantly has to take care of wounded or sick soldiers. She is quiet when she focuses on her work, but she will talk a lot if she has the chance.

Kaze Dulcis - Probably has a family, but never talks to them. He tries to stay happy and normally has a soft voice. Like Eliza, he doesn't sleep much because there are wounded and sick soldiers. He's definitely gay, he's in love with his best friend but hasn't told him yet because of his fear of rejection. Also, his last name is Latin for something like 'sweet'.

August Boletus - His parents are dead, he hated his mom but liked his dad, recently he found out he had a half-brother. He likes cooking because he's been learning since he was young. He loves to explore and see new things and meet new people, however, if someone needs help, he will most likely reject their request. His last name is Latin for something like 'mushroom'.

Kageia Akuno - He is normally calm and has known his partners Raffe and Max since their childhoods. Kageia is the oldest of the three, which could be why he's the most mature. He's always had an interest in science and technology. Before he worked with technology, he did experiments on humans... and enjoyed watching them suffer. Kageia's name is Japanese, kage = shadow, if the 'a' and 'i' were swapped it would mean love. Aku no = evil. Basically, his name is shadow love evil.

Max Feles - He is easily angered and annoyed, he has always considered Kageia the non-official leader of the group. During the times when the three did experiments, Raffe collected ingredients, Max mixed the ingredients, and Kageia took notes on the effects. His last name is Latin for something like 'cat'.

Raffe Panthera - He didn't really like doing experiments, he doesn't like to watch people be in pain, which is why he was constantly running around collecting ingredients. The only reason he stuck around was that he cared deeply about Kageia and Max, they were his only friends. Raffe is the youngest of the three, Kageia being the oldest and Max being in the middle. His last name is Latin for something like 'giraffe'.

Alexander Hamilton - Has never said a word about his family, if someone brings up the topic, he changes the subject. He loves being with his friends, Amber and Laurens. Despite him never saying a word about his family, after some research that took hours, his mother and father died when he was around 16 years old but he was able to take care of himself. When he was 12, three of his friends died, and one was taken from him. Alexander's parents never liked Amber and was happy when Alex wasn't able to see her for years.

Amber Lyon - Hates talking about her family, but won't try to change the subject if asked. Alexander is her childhood friend. When she was 10 years old, all of her family died in a fire, her parents, and siblings. She had to take therapy for 8 years and was called insane. Alexander has always been her best friend and she looks up to him and tries to have a better personality, similar to his. She can't get over the fact that her friend's name is Alexander Hamilton and will sometimes ask him, "What's your name man?". No one ever feels bad for her because of her rude personality.

Laurens Laeta - He loved his mom but hated his dad. While his mother was dying from a sickness, she told Laurens that years ago, she had a child who would be his half brother. The brother was most likely dead by now, it would've been very difficult for him to survive alone and under the conditions. This made his father angry and he left, it was obvious that the man had anger issues, before he left he said he didn't want to see Laurens again because his mother had never said anything about another child. The half-brother was August, who didn't care about Laurens what-so-ever when he first met him, but after a while, he realized the he should take care of Laurens and will sometimes become protective of him. Laurens last name is Latin for something like 'happy'. Laurens is embarrassed because of his first name sounding like it belongs to a woman. Laurens also believes that he is friends with Alexander and Amber because of their tragedies.

Gizmo Giya - Even with hours of research, not much is known about him. Gizmo is almost always quiet unless he absolutely needs to talk, he just isn't interested in talking to others. But maybe someone can warm his heart? Ha! No one would ever like him, he's quiet and creepy. His last name is Japanese for something like 'gear'. Seriously, what's with everyone having last names that mean something in a different language?

"Did you write these yourself?" I asked Tord.

"Of course I did. No one else needs to write the information for the soldier. I don't trust anyone else."

"That makes a lot of sense."

"You don't need to be here anyone more, you can leave," Tord said, gesturing towards the door.


I'm pretty sure this chapter will be boring, but I thought it would be a good idea to give some sort of information on each of the soldiers, the information was meant to show why the soldiers act the way they act. Also, I'm not sure how obvious it is, but my username on Wattpad is Blind Animal Ninja.

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