Ch. 23 - How Are You?

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Patryk's POV

I'm falling apart. Everything is falling apart. Everyone I know is getting injured. I can't handle it. Why? Why is this happening to me? I don't understand what I did wrong. It's been months and everything has been getting worse since Paul died. No one is home. They're all on the hospital. The doctor said they should live unless something unexpected happens.

"Hey, buddy. Heard everyone in this house is in the hospital. Must suck with everyone you love and care about getting injured." My body immediately filled with dread. It was him. The man who had taunted me when Paul died. His voice was unforgettable. He was casually leaning against the wall, arms crossed. His hair was dark purple, medium length with some wave. Dark blue eyes that had an evil look. He wore dark clothes. A tank top, army boots, baggy pants, and he had a red band tied around his thigh. He was muscular.

"Why can't you leave me alone? Just get out of my life!" I shouted as loud as I could. My voice cracked as I shouted. He slowly began walking towards me.

"D-don't get closer to me." He actually stopped and stared at me. He looked me up and down.

"Damn, you're even hotter than I  thought you would be," The man had a seductive tone and a smirk.

"That's disgusting. When are you going to just leave?" I growled. My fear quickly being replaced by anger.

"When you tell me how you're feeling," he stated, still smirking. He began crossing his arms again and putting all his weight on one leg.

"Give me a reason to tell you anything."

"I can give you a couple of reasons. Reason number one, I'm super hot. Reason number two, Paul's super not. Reason number three, I'm all you got and all you got is someone hot." The man winked.

"I'm fine. Now leave. I don't want to be around you anymore than I have to be."

"Aw, don't be like that. Just trust me a little."

"No. Go back to whatever hell hole you came out of."

"Come on, honey." he mumbled, once again smirking.

"No. You've been hurting everyone I know. I have no reason to trust you."

"Hmph. Fine. Suit yourself. I only came to see how you were feeling anyways." The man turned and began walking towards the front door.

"What's your name?" I asked before he left. He turned and looked at me with a glare.

"Why should I tell you?" He said with hate.

"Well aren't you bipolar." He turned again and went out the door.

"I have so much work to do. I'm not wasting anymore time with you or I'll get my ass kicked by two people," he mumbled the last part and was gone. I hate that man. My guess is he's apart of the Red Army. But... they wouldn't care enough about me to do this... right? The only thing that was red on the man was the cloth around his leg. If Tord really is alive, he wouldn't spend so much time trying to make my life miserable, right? He wouldn't go that far. Right? Right? There's no way he was apart of the red army. Last time I checked they didn't flirt with their enemies. Wait...  Gizmo did that. Well, they wouldn't do it unless they have a specific reason. What's his reason? I turned and slowly began walking towards the door. I want to go for a walk but I don't want to see that man again. He's probably gone by now. I'll take a short walk.

The sun was setting. I hadn't been paying attention to the time. I guess it got pretty late. While I was walking, I heard people talking.

"Alright, so I was drinking last night," One man's voice said.

"Okay?" Another man's voice said.

"I'm pretty sure I was doing it right. So, it's salt, and then lime, and then shot?" The first man said again.

"No, it's salt, and then-" The second man's voice started.

"You're doing it wrong!" A third man shouted. It sounded like the man from earlier but there's no way that could be him.

"You need to learn how to drink properly, brother, " The third man said, chuckling.

"Shut up, Ashton."

"You two argue too much," The second voice said.

"Shut up, Simon," The first man said.

"Yuki, be nice to Simon. He's your roommate and my boyfriend," Ashton said. He sounded like he was joking.  Ashton's voice sounds so familiar. But there's no way he would just be walking around like it's nothing. He probably wouldn't be that stupid. Right?... Wrong. As soon as I could see all of the men, I recognized Ashton. He's the man that's been tormenting me. I made sure to stay out of his sight.

"How's your job going?" Simon asked Ashton.

"Beautifully. It's pretty boring though. He makes it too easy," Ashton sounded annoyed. Annoyed because of what? Because I'm "too easy" to torment?

"Aren't you worried he'll see you and recognize you?"

"Not at all. He has no proof that I did anything. He doesn't know my name."

"Your name is Ashton," I stated, walking in front of him.

"Looks like you do come outside. Well you don't know my last name and you have no proof that I did anything to you. It's all you accusing another man. You're not worth my time."

"Wow. Harsh," Simon laughed.

"The tables will be turned. And they will be in my favor," I growled at the men.

"Ooooh~ So scary~" Ashton purred. "Like I said, you're not worth my time. Goodbye, Patryk." Then three men walked away. I'll find a way to get revenge. They will suffer. They'll know the pain I've felt. Even if it means I have to kill them and Tord. This is all Tord's fault. I'll make sure to kill him. He'll regret ever hurting me, Edd, Paul, Matt, and Tom. He'll wish he died sooner.


Did I do good? Also I'm goin through the chapters of this book to space out the dialogue more, and I hope not too many people are mad at me for how this story is turning out. I mean, I killed Paul, Tord is an extra evil little bitch, everyone else is injured, and there are guys who aren't even apart of Edd's World. Please don't kill me;;

---Sebby S. (Don't kill me please)

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