Ch. 4 - The Question

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I skipped many years

Patryk POV

While me and Paul were in middle school, nothing major happened. Just... A lot of girls flirted with me, I always felt bad for Paul, he never had anyone swooning over him. Now, I was 18 and so was Paul, we were both in 12th grade and I still haven't told him how I feel. If I did tell him how I felt, he could reject me and begin hating me. Right now, we were working on math homework together. I noticed that Paul kept looking over at me, quickly looking at away if I looked at him. 

"Hey Patryk, can you get me a glass of water?"

"Sure." As I was walking to the kitchen, I noticed Tord and Tom sleeping on the couch, cuddling. I wish me and Paul were dating so we could do that. After I got the water, I went back to my room. As soon as I opened the door, Paul immediately looked up at me, his face a deep shade of red. I put the cup of water on an end table next to the bed and looked at Paul,

"Are you okay? You look like you're getting a fever."

"Hey, Pat can I ask you something?" Paul began staring downwards.

"Sure. What is it?"

"I love you a-and will you... you don't have to if you don't want to... will you be my boyfriend?" A shocked look spread across my face, I never thought Paul liked me the way I liked him. Apparently Paul didn't think my shocked look was a good thing, he sighed sadly. "I didn't think you liked me that way," He mumbled, tears forming in his eyes, he quickly rushed out of the room before I could say anything. Should I run after Paul? I guess I should so I can fix this.

After a while of looking for Paul, I heard sobbing from Edd and Matt's room. I heard talking so I leaned against the door and began listening.

"I'm sorry it didn't go well Paul." I think it was Edd that was talking but it was hard to tell.

"What am I going to do? Me and Patryk share a room, a locker at school, and we have all the same classes. It's not exactly going to be easy to avoid him." I had to tell Paul that I liked him, I was only surprised that he asked me out.

"Paul..." I gently knocked on the door.

"Patryk, can you just leave me alone?" I could hear Paul sniffling through the door.

"Paul, it's important. Please just open the door." After I said that, the door slowly opened and Paul was standing there. I hugged him and whispered

"I love you too." it took a couple of seconds but Paul hugged me back, still sniffling.

"Awwww," Matt and Edd said in unison. Paul gently looked at me, smiling, tears still streaming down his face.


Sorry the chapter is so short.

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