Ch. 17 - The Results

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Patryk's POV

I went to check on Paul two days after the battle had ended. I haven't heard anyone say they found Tord dead, either no one found his body, or no one cared. Eliza told me yesterday that she was still unsure if Paul would survive and told me to come back the next day. I knocked on the door to the room where all the injured soldiers were being kept.

"Come in Patryk," Kaze said. I opened the door and immediately went to Paul, he was asleep.

"Do you know if he's going to live yet?" I asked looking at Eliza, she nodded.

"He'll live, but he may lose his vision in one eye, the rest of the wounds will heal though."

"Good. Has anyone heard anything about Tord? I didn't exactly check to see if he died when I shot him."

"Hmm. No. No one could find his body either, we think he's hiding somewhere, probably at his husband's house," Kaze said before he began mumbling.

"Why would you spend so much money on someone you hate anyways?" Paul began to move around before he woke up.


"Paul! Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." A pair of soldiers came in the room, they were both calm but it was easy to tell that one was nervous. One had short black hair and purple eyes. The second soldier, who was noticeably shorter had longer blonde hair that went to his shoulders, he also had bangs that went over his left eye, he also had ice blue eyes and a light scar that went across his face, it was a man but he had more feminine body structure.

"Hi Ace, hi Aaron," Eliza said.

"Eliza, we have news about Tord," The darker haired one said.

"Me and Aaron saw Tord coming back in the base, he said he wants all the soldiers in one place so he can talk to them. He seemed really angry," The blonde one said. I felt my face go pale.

"Alright, Paul, Patryk, you two should come too," Eliza said, turning to leave.

"I don't think we've met. I'm sorry if I've forgotten meeting you. But, my name is Ace Williams and that one is Aaron Miller," The blonde one said.

"Hey, we should go see what Tord's going to whine about."

"Be nice." The pair turned and left, leaving me, Paul, and Kaze.

"You seem nervous. Is something wrong?" Paul asked giving me a worried look.

"I'm fine, I just don't know what Tord is going to do."

The remaining soldiers were standing around the area, waiting for Tord to say something. I stood nervously with Paul by my side. Some people look confused when they realized that Tord was alive, most people probably thought he was dead.

"As you know, recently we fought the blue army and won. That battle cost the lives of many soldiers, I was severely injured. My injury was caused by one of our own, it was caused by Patryk, the traitor." Everyone who knew where I was looked in my direction, there was silence, until someone laughed.

"You mean you got taken down by a kid? Your own son?"

"That's pretty sad."

"Shut up Samuel, you too Joel," I heard Eliza say.

"I want you to kill the traitor," Tord added.

"Hold on, you're a pretty crappy leader, you led a ton of soldiers to their death, why should we listen to you?"

"That's true. Patryk was probably trying to help us."

"Why don't we kill you instead?" It seemed like the army became two different parts, one that wanted to kill me and one that wanted to kill Tord. As fighting between the army started I noticed that Tord was gone, he probably realized that he could die and left. Coward. Paul grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"We need to go."


"Why don't we visit our parents?"


After we finally got to Edd's house, we noticed Tord's car wasn't there. We walked up to the door and knocked.

"Coming!" I heard someone yell. Edd opened the door, he gasped when he saw us.

"Paul! Patryk!" As soon as Edd yelled our names, Tom and Matt came to the door. Matt and Edd hugged Paul, Tom hugged me.

"Where's Tord?" Tom asked trying to look behind us.

"Dead somewhere, I hope," I said. Tom let out a small gasp.

"Patryk, how could you say that about your own father?"

"He sent dozens of people into their death, threatened to kill his own soldiers, and he tried to get the army to kill me. The army was split in two, one that was with Tord and one that was with me." Tom looked downwards.

"Did he say anything about me, Matt, or Edd?"

"Yeah, he said he doesn't really love you and he's really against me and Paul dating and seems to hate gay people. Which is pretty weird because most of the people there are gay or bisexual."

"Oh..." Tom turned and went into his room, he looked heartbroken. Paul was talking to Edd and Matt, it seemed like I wasn't there.

"W-wait, what happened to your eye?" Matt said, becoming extremely worried.

"I, uh... got hurt protecting Patryk," He quickly said looking towards me,

"Isn't that right, Patryk?" I smiled and let out a quiet laugh.

"Yeah, I would've gotten injured much worse than he is right now." Edd and Matt both smiled

"Awww," they said simultaneously. Yep, Paul sure is my hero.


I did it. I'm pretty sure I have a plan for what's going to happen next, but it might just be something like I have a beginning and end, but no middle. I'm pretty proud of myself, but I have no idea why.

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