Ch. 18 - Going Back

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Im very creative with titles, I know.

Patryk's POV

We had to go back, even if we didn't want to. Well, it was more like I didn't want to go back, but, Paul wanted to make sure everyone was okay. I'll never understand why he cares so much about those people when they probably don't care about him. Plus, probably like half of the remaining people there will want to kill us. But, no matter how much I tried to convince him it was a bad idea, he said he was going to go back even if I didn't go with him. Edd and Matt seemed really sad that we were leaving so soon, but we haven't even seen Tom since we told him everything.

After finally getting back to the base, there were injured soldiers everywhere.

"Hey, look! They're back!" Someone said. Everyone turned to our direction.

"What happened?" Paul mumbled while looking around.

"Hey, we won!" Laurens yelled, a smile spread across his face.

"Tord isn't dead though, at least, we don't think he is," Alex said, beginning to lean against Laurens.

"Everything is hell, it all burns," Amber mumbled.

"I wonder if anyone is dead." Paul grabbed my arm.

"We're going to find out."

So basically, Paul was dragging me around making sure no one was dead. Obviously, there were people who had died, it caused Paul to panic.

"They're dead... Patryk, what do we do? Wh-what happened is our fault isn't it?"

"Probably," I said shrugging. Paul dragged me to another room, room after room.

"Everyone is dead or horribly injured. But, we're fine," Paul sighed.

"So what do you want to do then? Go home and forget?" I asked staring at Paul.

"No! We need to find Tord and kill him! Tear him apart for what he did!" Wow, Paul was angry. I don't think he's going to let this go. Not now anyways.


Sorry for the short chapter, high school keeps me busy. High school is hell, but I navigate it well.

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