Ch. 20 - His Point of View

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??? POV

Their time is running out. Every second that passes leads to more pain. So why would they do this to themselves? It's not really clear, is it? They make emotions look annoying and useless, don't they? They are like flowers. They'll slowly fall apart even if you don't notice it at first. Eventually, everyone can see that it's wilted and slowly dying. Those two fight to stay together now. Almost as if they hate each other but don't want to admit it. Perhaps the other ones can see it but are hiding it. It's amusing to watch, like a movie where you don't know what's going to happen next. Ha.

This movie has no clear end. Does anyone really know when it's going to end? Maybe it has no end. I hope that's how it is. That would be more fun. Their time will most likely run out soon. Mine will not because I don't waste my time on the feelings for another human. It's only a matter of time now. I suppose soon the movie will end. It is only unknown how it will end. Who live, who dies, who disappears. No one really knows, right? No one could know because no one can control their own destiny. That's not how this world works. But that's okay. It makes it like a story you want to keep reading so you can reach the ending. Maybe you even realize that it wasn't the end like you thought, there's another book with a different ending. I'm getting off track, books aren't what is important, not right now anyways. 

They're acting stupid. I hope people see this and try to avoid their own relationships becoming like this. Maybe this will serve as an example for others. That is what I hope. I believe that they should not be together. But if that is what they wish, then so be it. This is all toxic. They're going downhill, surely even the dumb could see that. Actually, the dumb cannot see that or they wouldn't be together.


This is a filler, I guess. Writer's block and the feel that I need to update and not disappear for a month at a time.

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