Ch. 9 - Getting Weapons

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Patryk POV

When I woke up and Paul woke up we decided that the best thing we could do at the moment was to train. Neither one of us were hungry, so we went straight to training. All I can do is hope that Amber, Laurens, or Alex isn't there, I want it to be only me and Paul. A lady who had black hair with purple ends tied in a bun and green eyes stopped us.

"Excuse me, are you Paul and Patryk?" she asked.

"Mmm-hm," Paul hummed in response.

"Right, well, Tord wanted Paul to know that his parents are extremely pissed that he joined the Red Army. That is all I needed to tell you. I have no reason to talk to you further, goodbye," The lady finished before walking past us into another part of the building.

"That was weird..." I mumbled. Paul nodded and began walking towards the training area. There seemed to be more people training then we saw last time.

"Hey Paul, what time is it?" I asked. Maybe everyone was more active in the morning or at night.

"It's around 10:30 a.m." He answered. So the most soldiers like to train during the morning.

"Wait, we don't have any sort of weapon. No knife or anything," Paul said.

"Hey it's the new guys," Laurens said smiling and running towards us. I silently cursed under my breath, Laurens seemed to notice this and frowned.

"I'm sorry if I somehow offended you when we first met, I only came over here because I noticed you didn't have any sort of weapon. So I brought a pistol and a dagger for each of you." Laurens handed the weapons to me and Paul and jogged away, probably to go back to someone he was with.

For a while, we were shooting at targets to practice our accuracy with guns. No surprise that training isn't actually that fun, and is pretty boring. Later, I noticed Laurens and Amber both covered in cut wounds. I assume they were training together. Something else I realized was Laurens seemed to fight with two daggers and a bow, while Amber fought with two swords and a pair of pistols. Alex walked up to us about an hour after I saw the two idiots covered in wounds.

"Hey Tord wanted to talk to you," Alex said casually.

"Also, take it easy on Laurens, he's trying really hard to be friendly." Alex left after he finished talking.

"Do you think we're in trouble?" Paul said, his voice full of worry.

"No... probably not," I said. We walked to Tord's office, we opened the door and another man we haven't seen before was already there sitting on a chair.

"Listen, I have a mission for you...three. Paul, Patryk, this mission is to test your abilities to fight and survive. If you do not survive...let's just say you won't be in this army." Tord began explaining a mission we would have to do, but we couldn't do it until a week from now. The mission was something along the lines to make an attempt to get information from a woman from an army the red army had been fighting with. Tord said that recently the woman's significant other had died when the two armies had last fought, because of this she had been trying to drown her sorrow at a bar. If possible we are to try to get the woman to talk about her army's plans. Tord suggested several ways to get the woman to talk, flirting, sympathizing, threatening her, or even torturing the woman. Tord finished by telling us to make sure we were ready next week, and our companion's name was Gizmo and he didn't talk very much. Me and Paul left Tord's office.

"That's interesting," Paul said.

"We were already given a mission to do and we haven't even been here that long. And we're with someone we don't know."

"Yeah. But, we don't need to worry about the mission yet. We should get something to eat then maybe go to sleep or lay down or something," I said.

"All right."

When we got food and sat at a table. I noticed Laurens, Amber, and Alex already sitting at a table, Alex was the only one eating, Amber and Laurens were asleep leaning against each other.

"I swear they're stalking us or something," I whispered to Paul. Paul rolled his eyes.

"I think you're just paranoid. There's only one place in this building to train, one place to eat, there's only one place for everything. They need to train and eat like us, you know. So stop being suspicious of them and start actually being nice," Paul said.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. After we finished eating we went to the beds to sleep. I actually had something planned for tomorrow.


I feel like my story is slowly becoming worse and worse, while the chapters stay short. Other than that I have a plan for how the story is going to go and I think it will go well. Possibly.

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