[Chapter 9]

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Chapter Nine: Introductions

Anna's POV

I heard about him before I was even in the school. 'He's so tall', 'I love his hair', 'I love his eyes' or 'I wonder if he already has a girlfriend!?' The girls at my school were impeccable and already drooling over this new kid. I wonder if it was that same pretty boy that had bumped into me on Saturday...? I wish.

I strolled into the school along with the other kids, grumpily. I had had a terrible morning and now all I heard were whispers of this mystery new boy. I bet he'll be the talk of the school for weeks! This whole 'new boy' thing will probably go on and on until another new kid shows up--which is a really tiny possibility.

Spinning my lock on my slightly rusty and terribly old locker, I throw it open and take out the books I need for the first three periods. English, Biology and Art. At least today my schedule wasn't as bad.

I slam my locker shut and stomp off towards my first class: English. I hope we were going to do nothing today like Mrs. Morrison had said on Friday.

Strolling into the class, I try to get as calm as I can--once I'm flustered up, I will stay like that for the rest of the day, and I really did hate that. Silently I walked towards the left side of the class, taking my usual seat right beside the windows. I maneuvered through the little crowds of my peers as they talked and laughed before our teacher came into the room, and slumped down into my desk as soon as I reached it. I took out my English binder just in case our teacher gave us something to do, and then just stared out the window, waiting for our teacher to finally arrive.

It was a cloudy day, maybe slightly foggy, but I liked it like that. I loved the fog, when I was younger it made me feel like I was up in the sky because of how dense and almost opaque the clouds made the ground seem. The thick forest that started along the west side of the school, about 500 yards away, seemed to be spewing the fog out, almost like a pot filled to the brim with boiling, misting water.

I could see that a few other kids were still loitering outside like school hasn't begun. They were walking and talking, taking their time to walk out of the parking lot or into the school.

The door to our classroom shut, loudly, behind the person who had just come in. Our teacher. I swivelled my head over to where she strutted to her desk, dumped all our essay papers, took off her jacket and flung it onto the back of her chair and then finally sat down in it, sighing.

"I'm sorry I'm late, guys." She said a little breathlessly. She dragged her hand down her face and ten looked up at all of us. "Well, why aren't you guys in your seats!?" she yelled at the remaining kids that were still standing up, staring at her. They all rushed to their desks and sat down, giving half if their attention (if not all), to her.

We all settled into our seats and Mrs. Morrison started her lecture for today--I guess she forgot about the whole 'we'll watch a movie today' plan. We stared at her, bored out of our minds already. She presented us with information we already knew from freshman or sophomore year.

My head propped up on my hand, I stared blindly ahead. I wasn't paying attention, I was in my own world of adventure and fantasy. Then, the door opened and someone walked in. I'm guessing it was the new kid because when I looked up and saw him mysteriously staring at me, I didn't recognize him. He wasn't even the same boy that had bumped into me either.

Mrs. Morrison introduced him to all of us. Isaac was his name. Dark eyes with dark hair. He was tall and slender. All through Mrs. Morrison's introduction, he had stared at me. And I guess I didn't really mind--it was true what all those girls were saying, he was handsome and he had dark but deep and wandering eyes, I realized shyly as I saw him look me over.

"Where would you like to sit, Isaac?" Mrs. Morrison asked him, sweetly. I guess she was either going easy on him considering it was first day here, by offering him whatever seat he liked, or she had a new favourite student.

"There." was all he said as he started walking towards me.


Isaac's POV

I walked into the school. The hallways were empty by the time I got inside and I was glad, for purposely stalling and waiting outside until all the other kids were gone. I wasn't scared--I just hated crowds and noise and...people.

Leisurely taking my time to get to my first class, I walked slowly along the length if lockers. I finally reached the classroom and paused at the closed door of the room. I could hear the teacher on the other side droning on about something that happened to her over the weekend. Great, this makes me so much more excited and anticipated to come here everyday...

Turning the cold knob of the door, I pushed the door open and her scent hit me right away. Well at least I knew I had her in one if my classes and that was good enough. I looked up at her as soon as I entered. She was staring out the window but looked over when she heard the door shut close. She stared at me And I stared back. So that's who she was; I had seen her before in the schools parking lot. I hadn't known how she looked or how old she was, either. All I was told was that once I met her, I would know it would be her and so I followed what 'he' told me to do.

The teacher introduced me but I didn't pay attention or care for the fact that the blonde girl and her friends who were all sitting on the front of the class,were giggling and whispering things into each others ears while looking at me with wide eyes.

I gazed intently at her, trying to capture everything about her. She was my...assignment, my mission. I had to keep an eye on her for however long it took him to get to her and make sure she was safe from...the others. There were many other of us after her now since the Devil wanted her as his secret weapon.

And I was bound to make sure she was kept away from every one of them. I had to keep her from harms way otherwise it would be me, that Incubus would torture. I had to give her over to him, but just looking over at her, it seemed to me like I wouldn't be able to do that when the time came.


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