[Chapter 16] Part One

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Thinking of placing this chapter into two different parts...yeah I guess I will have to--but then that means DOUBLE UPDATE!! hopefully....hehe :)

Part One--Chapter Sixteen:Fight Back

Incubus' POV

Starlight had caught up with everything that had happened that night. After the moon had mysteriously and sort of abruptly disappeared, he had come down from his perch from somewhere in the night sky and stood, silently and calmly, before Luna's body with me.

Her head had still been in my lap, the weak smile still on her dead, pale and almost calm face. Starlight, who had been like a brother to her and more closer to her, had not been there for her when she was dying--I had--and that's why I was screaming at him now, in the early rosy morning.

"She needed you more than she needed me! And you know what? You were so stupid to realize that!" I yelled, a vein in my neck bulging out, my red eyes seemed like burning coals that had just been taking out of a fire.

Luna and Starlight had been both older than me by almost 6 years, making then responsible and almost parent like to me. They had secret conversations of things going on in the Dark World (the demon's and every other supernatural creatures dimension world) that they never told me about because 'I was too young'. They had shared thoughts and ideas that, again, I was too 'young' to understand. They had been more close to each other than I had been. I was still like a little brother to them, but they didn't seem to share their secretive thoughts and mysterious ideas with me.

"Incubus, calm down please. You'll attract a human--or worse, one of those demons," Starlight tried his best--again--to try and calm me down. It wasn't working.

"Who fucking cares!? I don't!" I screamed at him. By now, my face had probably almost turned the same shade and hue of red that my bright eyes were. I opened my big mouth to yell again but was cut off by a movement from in between the dim, shadowy trees. It was still a bit dark out, the stars slowly fading and the moon nowhere to be seen. The sky had just turned a rosy pink, signalling the arrival of the sun and another day.

"Master," he greeted me as he bowed in front of me, the red ouroboros still glowing from where his left shoulder should've been.

"A Fear demon? Is he one of them? The ones who..." Starlight trailed off as I nodded my head, slightly cooling down from my temper. Why had he just randomly returned? Did he want something?

"Tell me." Was all Starlight said as he stared intently at my marking that was embedded into the Fear demon's smokey shoulder.

I filled him in on everything that happened, leaving out anything to do with Anna. I looked up at Starlight after I was done speaking and saw him slept nod his head.

"Yes...you weren't supposed to know about your powers until you were responsible and old enough," he said to me.

"What? You mean there are more of them? And what do you mean 'more responsible and older'? How old do you want me to get?!" I asked him, slightly incredulously and angered.

"Yes there are more of your powers Incubus. And what I mean by more responsible and older is that, when you are responsible enough, you will be old enough to learn about your abilities." He told me mildly and easily, not getting flustered by my easy frustration. He moved his yellow eyed gaze from my angry one, to my new...servants empty, reddish one.

"What are we? Star Wars' Luke Skywalker and Yoda? The karate kid and Mr. Miyagi? Harry Potter and Dumbledore?" I asked Starlight sarcastically. What the hell? This wasn't some ransom Hollywood movie?! This was life! My--our--life! Now he was going to go all 'zen' and teach me about 'my inner powers and specialities'?! About how 'I could defeat the great evil with my greater good'?! Yeah I am the great evil--and I had no 'greater good' within me. I was a fucking demon!

I sighed out frustratedly and ran a hand through my slightly tangled and longish hair.

"What'd you want?' I directed my question towards the Fear demon. "And what's your name?"

"Master, my name is Thalus and I only came to your aid. I could sense your anger from miles away and thought I could be of help to you to rid you of whoever it was that caused you such passionate anger," he--Thalus--said to me in his raspy, deep voice. I nodded my head, slowly, thoughtfully and then looked up at Starlight who was gaping at Thalus and then at me.

"Wow, Incubus, your control is either already really strong or you have been secretly known about it all the time and have trained to perfect it," he said to me. See, he was going all Mr. Miyagi and Yoda on me.

"Uh--no. I haven't known anything about it because you kept it from Luna and I!" I started to raise my voice. "You could've saved her if you had told at least one if us!" I yelled and started to holler at him once again.

Starlight looked down at his feet, at the earth and then at Thalus and then finally at me.

"I wanted to tell both of you two, but I couldn't. I knew about my own abilities but couldn't use them because you two would figure it out and also because I was also premiered not to use them either. I didn't tell either f you because the Devil--our creator--asked me not to." Starlight explained to me in a sad and regretful tone. "He told me that we were much more powerful than it should be allowed. He said that if we knew about our powers, you two--being the more reckless and less careful ones--would use them." He told me.

"Luna wasn't reckless--I was and still am. If anything, I should've been the only one left in the dark about this--not her." I said, my voice slowly dying out and I stared down at my boots.

Thalus silently hovered in the air, moving so that he was now floating right beside me. He was almost like a pet dog.

"Thalus, I don't need your help right now--but...thanks," I told him.

"Master, even when you aren't in need of my help, I am still permitted to be beside you." He informed me and I simply nodded my head, not caring anymore.

"What do we do with her?" I looked up, but not at Starlight. I lifted my saddened gaze to Luna's still, lifeless and peaceful body that was laying in the grass.

Starlight looked up too, copying my movement. He stared at Luna for a long time, then sighed and dragged his hand down his tired face.

"I'm not sure--ask Thalus to go down and ask the Dev--our creator--as to what we should do, or if he wants her body too." Starlight told me and I instantly instructed Thalus to do what Starlight had suggested. Thalus vanished immediately after bowing to me. "But afterward, we train. We train to master our powers and fight back against those shitty demons and take vengeance and revenge for both of our girls. And I don't really give a damn about what the Devil has to say." He said determinedly.

Yup, he was going all sage on me now.


More action to come in the next chapter! Vote and comment y'all!

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