[Chapter 24]

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Issues
"Life's hard for everyone, it's just that some people can deal with it and others can't. So what're you gonna do about it?" ~Unknown

Incubus' POV

The thundering storm outside was loud enough to make me more angrier. I had no idea or reason to be angry...I just was.

Grumbling underneath my breath, I walked downstairs--more like stomped--and strolled straight into the kitchen, ignoring Starlight.

He still didn't know that I had some if his 'experimenting' sheets on Luna and I. All he knew was that someone had ransacked his room in vain or out of revenge because nothing was stolen...except for the few papers I took.

"Incubus," Starlight started off, clearly already trying to calm me down, even if he didn't know what was even bothering me. Well, I didn't either so...

I randomly started grumbling, not really forming any words.

"What in the name..."I turned, my lips firmly shut but my random, weird, grumbling noises still coming out. "Incubus, what are you doing?" Starlight finished.

"Trying to ignore you and also tune out your voice," I blurt out, realizing, afterward, that I had done the exact opposite of what I said I was doing.

Starlight grinned at me. It got me even more angry.

"Well, can I at least know why?" He smiled and asked me, as if I would actually tell him.


I abandoned my old task of finding something to eat and instead turned around and walked out the front door, into the raging storm outside, without saying another word or looking back.


There wasn't any rain but there was lightning and thunder.

I walked down the empty, dim street, thinking deeply and cooling down slowly. It was only 4 in the afternoon but instead if being bright and sunny, with humans foundering around, it was cold, silent and abandoned.

I think I liked it better this way.

I wasn't thinking of where to go or where I was going, but I was in really deep thought about some other things. The Fear demons, Starlight's notes, this powerful and weirdly energetic storm that everyone was wondering and freaking over about and also, Anna.

Was she scared of this storm? I hadn't seen her in a week. Was she okay? Did something happen to her? Did the Fear demons find out that I needed her and so they went after her?

Something out the corner of my eye interrupted my frantic, curious thoughts.

Turning my head towards the movement, I watched slowly and patiently as I waited for the thing to move again. Nothing did. Maybe I simply dreamt it up.

Returning my attention back to my thoughtless thoughts, I resumed walking along the street again.

I was interrupted again when I heard something crash around in the plastic garbage bins behind me, in an alley between a restaurant and a bar--the same bar where that fight had broken out a few days ago and I found that demon crawling around in it.

I wasn't scared, but I was curious, so I sauntered over to the alley and stood in front of the two giant garbage bins. I waited; nothing happened. It stared to rain heavily and still, I simply waited. I wasn't going to leave until this ass came out and bothered me while actually appearing in front of me.

My hair was soaked and my long coat clung to me, turning my head to the side, I looked out the alley and onto the street I had just been walking on. There, where I had been standing before, was Isaac.

"Prince Incu--"

"Cut the formalities. What is it, Isaac?" I demanded impatiently. I guess I lost all my patience when I stood waiting for him to show himself to me.

"I am sorry for the trouble before..." he gestured over to the lamp post where I had seen his demonic form from out the corner of my eye. "Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that Anna has been taken. She should be in the Underworld by now. So you don't need to worry over her anymore."

I stared at him, the raindrops on my pale eyelashes making me look like I cried.

"When? And by who?" I asked him, trying to keep my heartbeat at a normal rate. It was my responsibility and my 'assignment' to bring her down. I had played with her emotions and made her think she could trust me, and for all that, she simply gets taken away by another demon?

"A Fear demon and I'm not sure when--though it's been at least a few days now," Isaac looks at me uncertainty morphing his expression. "Um, Prince? Is it alright...?"

I don't why he was asking me that. But as I started to walk away and looked down into a puddle that had grown on the concrete floor, I realized it was because my red eyes had turned blue.


**Sorry for the late update! Thank you sooooooo much for sticking and dealing with me though!!**

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