[Chapter 22]

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**Un-edited Again! Sorry!**

Chapter Twenty-Two: Thoughtlessness

Incubus' POV

I stood outside her house, underneath were her bedroom window was. She would forget everything from her last nights...'walk'. She would also forget that I had been there with her, just a few moments before. She would think of it all as a dream.

Sighing, I stepped away from her house and turned to walk back the way I had come from earlier. From the park. I don't really know why I had chosen the park as my 'spot', but now, in the daylight, that's where I almost always was. Maybe I chose it because there was a trail that led into the forest and seemed like it never ended. Maybe also because there happened to be a lot of bad things that happened in there. People getting attacked by random animals, people getting lost and sometimes never being found again. The best one though, was the multiple murders. Of course I really knew who the murderers were (the Fear demons), but none of these carefree humans did. And yet, they still hiked along the trail.

There was no one in the park today (there usually wasn't unless the weather was amazing--and it usually wasn't), the clouds overhead were as thick as they always were. The atmosphere of the whole town had changed overnight. From yesterday's sun light and cool breeze and ice cream trucks, to today's gloomy, dark and frigid winds and clouds that seemed they were ready to pour. It wasn't just going to rain, the weather was going to let loose it's worst 'mild' storms ever. It was all over the news too.

'Breaking news! Tomorrow night, a powerful thunderstorm will seem to overtake the whole tristate area and might cause power outages throughout town. Everyone should stay inside and make sure they have candles or flashlights...'

I ended up turning off the TV then because of how much these humans will over think of a puny thunderstorm while just a few kilometres up ahead, there would be a poor citizen who doesn't have a home and has to trail on through the 'terrible thunderstorm' without even a roof over their heads. Maybe that was the thing that made me hate humans so much. They only thought of themselves and only thought of others when the 'others' had to be thought about. They wouldn't give a damn about those people who wandered the streets with barley anything to wear, any proper air to breathe and nothing to eat or sleep on, unless someone else told them too.

I kept walking, my thoughts fleeting and confusing. One thought switching out to another, which made me land on a whole new, other topic that might not even be related to what I had been originally been thinking about.

A storm rage on outside my body, while another deadlier storm raged on inside my mind.


Sorry this chapter was cut short...really short and was un-edited, but I was quite busy this week and even on the weekend but now my schedule is looking up! :) .......... What I was trying to say in my crazy un-edited writing was that: I will be writing more now! MORE UPDATES!

Thank all you lovelies for reading and please comment your opinion!!!!!! It would really help me understand as to what else you guys want to see in my book. Or what I should improve on :) anyways main point: THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY TERRIBLY WRITTEN BOOKS! I LOVE YOU!

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