[Chapter 17]

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This chapter is dedicated to my awesom-azing friend mano55 for helping me look for a cover that was decent and better than the one I had before :)

Picture of who I finally chose to be casted as Incubus is one the right! But i dont know yet for who i should cast as Anna or Isaac...any suggestions guys?

Chapter Seventeen:Tragedy

Anna's POV

The ambulance came along with the two police cruisers and they took my dad away to the hospital. Officer Darwin had come also and taken me along to the hospital too, trailing behind the ambulance.

I wasn't crying, just silent and still, hoping that my dad would be okay. I wasn't going to leave the hospital until he did. No school; no friends and no leaving the medicine smelling, almost eerily silent air of the hospital.

I was a silent soldier--a muted, almost depressed attendant; probably the only one close person my dad had.

I would wait for him to get better.


Incubus' POV

"And you know what's better?! This!" I heard the burly but short man that was in a intense verbal fight with a tall but willowy man, yell before punching the dark haired man in the jaw--they were both exact opposites of each other's bodies. Who would win the fight? The short, muscly guy? Or does the tall, thin man have a chance against the midget?

There were hollers and screams, shouts and hooting. People were going nuts. Well I guess they were drunk considering I was sitting in a corner of a bar. And yes, I am underage (surprisingly even in my demon years).

"Hey! Stop it, you two! Hey shithead!" Dan, the owner and also the bartender, started to pull the two drunken, snarling, fighting men away from each other.

"Oh, stay outta this!" One of them yelled. I couldn't tell which one it was since Dan had the the tall man in a headlock who had the short man in a headlock.

There were some grunting noises and some moans of pain and then--somehow and almost miraculously--the two men were apart and Dan had both of them by the necks.

People were crowding around but none of them helped Dan keep the two angered men away from each other. The grunts and groans and muffled sounds of struggle didn't stop until I got up, weaved and pushed my way through the throng of excited, drunk, high people and took hold of the midget's jacket collar and pulled him back so harshly and forcefully that he stumbled backward and almost fell. If it wasn't for the vice like grip hold I had on him he would've fallen straight into the pool table behind him.

"Thanks, Andrew," Dan tells me while struggling with the taller guy. He was still squirming and trying to get to the midget--who was also trying to push his way away from me and over to the lanky guy who seemed as if he might pass out any second.

I nod my head and pull the shorter man over to the other side of the bar, far away from the other man who had been dragged outside. Turning my head I saw the crowd dissipate and the other man be pulled, roughly, outside for interrogation. I moved my gaze away from the closed door and down to the short, red haired man that was sitting on a stool, glaring angrily at the closed door.

"Hey, relax," I told him. He kept his angered, intense and slightly nervous gaze on the door. "Hey,' I called for his attention again. He finally looked up at me, as if sensing me for the first time, and grinned.

"Ah, hello..." he whispered to me, the toothy, cat-like grin still on his face. Now I knew why that other man wanted to punch him so hard. "Incubus. Night Demon. Prince," How did he know what I was? He was human...

"How?" was all I asked him as I grabbed hold of his scruffy collar again, non too gently, and lowered my head until I levelled my calm but deathly gaze with his mischievous one.

"Night demon hunter." He said to me, surprising me. Hunters? I know there were hunters for every creature that belonged to hell, but especially Night demons? So now there were Fear and Night demon hunters after Starlight and my asses? Fantastic...

"Oh come on Incubus, what's with the fake eyes? The human name?" He asked me again and I suddenly got a very large urge to bash his head in against the wooden table.

"Cover." I told him as I let the fake colour of my human eyes slip and switch back into my real eyes. I let the pointed incisors I had, grow and elongate. I smirked at him, showing my pointed teeth and gazing at him with my ruby red eyes. I could already sense his minuscule amount of fear, he had within him, grow. He knew what I could do to him--even without my actual strength ever being used.

"I'm a hunter. I hunt you. I can stab you right now--I know where you weak points are." he shakily told me.

"But you don't know what spot you can kill me from. You don't know if you can even kill me," I replied back, confidently and seriously. I heard him gulp and nervousness pour out from his pores. His fear was coming off strongly now. I revelled in it. "Scared now? Who told you that you could kill a demon--heck, a Night demon? Didn't you know that we are...--I pretended and exaggerated to look for an appropriate word-- "un-killable?"

He squirmed in his seat as I stepped to my right to profoundly and easily block his way out. He was trapped between the wall, the wooden table on his right and me in front of him. His nervously flitting eyes made my smirk grow wider and I moved closer. This was going to be fun.

"You know, since you were here to 'hunt' me--and now you can't--how about we play a game where I hunt you instead?" I ask. The beer was starting to get to me. I could feel the warmth of it in my veins. Demons didn't get drunk--unless they drank a lot or they were young and careless and had their...'special immune systems' down--which was the case for me after Luna's death. "To be fair, I'll give you 15 minutes to either go hide, or run. I suggest you run because I will find you and that will be too easy, right?" I smile down at him. I probably looked like a psycho murderer--I didn't mind.

Releasing his collar from my firm, controlling and stiff grip, I started to countdown.

"I don't need that much time--I'm not as slow as you might think I am. I'm a hunter, I've been trained," he informs me with his still flitting eyes and a nervous, crooked mouth, almost as if his teeth were chattering and he was trying to stop them.

"Fine then," I reply simply and start another countdown.

"15...14...13," I slowly count down as I move to the side and slightly away from him, to let him run. I stare up at the ceiling and grin as I hear his heavy footsteps sprint through the tables and people and out the door. "10...9," I give up counting and smirk as I turn around in my heels and swiftly walk out the door. He was still in my line of sight; still in my view and still in my range that it would be easy and too quick to catch him. I decided I would scare him a bit.


Hey guys! Guess what? Something awesome happens in the next to next chapter! Lol sorry I couldn't fit it into the next one... Yeah, I'm gonna finally give you guys a nice, badass action scene ;) I love those, don't you?

Thank you for reading! :) <3

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