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**Hi guys! I just wanted to say, that you all are amazing! Also that I really appreciate your comments, votes and follows<3

Also...THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER FOR THIS BOOOOKK!! IM SO HAPPY AND SAD! But do not worry my loyal readers! I will be writing another book for this and I will be making this into a series so look forward to it ;) I will enjoy writing the next one as much as I did this one.

See you guys soon!

~Yours Truly**


Epilogue: Wake Up, Wake Up!


Anna's POV

I don't really know when I fell asleep, or how I possibly did, considering my mind was buzzed with all the crazy thoughts and events that had happened to me. If my dad had come home last night, he was either too tired and didn't bother picking me up from where I slumped beneath the window I had seen the mysterious guy from, or he just didn't come back home.

The good thing was, there were no creepy yellow--or red--eyed people in my house, waiting for me to open my eyes so they could take me away again--and I wasn't in a dim, dark place with shadows that moved, which was a good thing to know first thing at 5 in the morning.

Dragging my hands down my face, I spoke to myself, commanding my body to move and take a shower. I stank of sweat and fear.

Today, I thought to myself, I wouldn't let the thoughts that roamed and haunted my mind distract or derive me from my usual and normal day. Some creepy guy had probably smoked something and I probably breathe it in, causing me to see all the things I did. Or I had fainted randomly and dreamt all that up. Hopefully it was the latter--Hell, I'd rather have a creepy guy drug me than repeat or see the things I did!

I had busied myself for about three hours, by taking my time showering, fully waking up and eating a whole bunch of junk food. Then, after all the necessities had been finished, I sat myself down on the sofa and switched the TV on. I needed to keep myself from being bored and my mind from wandering into the depths that it was so tempted to reach into.

The news anchor, a man with gelled hair, pale blue eyes and a voice that made you want to listen more intently, was on the screen, speaking away about some accident that had occurred in the earliest hours of the morning.

"The two cars seemed to be rammed into one another," a picture of a Toyota and a Mazda appeared in the screen. "There was only one fatality and two people injured severely. The doctors said they would be alright but will be in medical custody for a while."

"Ickh," a scene of paramedics loading a bloodied man into the back of an ambulance had showcased on the screen. He seemed pretty dead to me...

Flipping the channel to another--one without dead people--I finally stopped when I saw that The Kardashian's were on. They were so simpleminded it was amusing to watch them.

Kourtney had just started speaking when the TV went blank. The screen had simply went black, and then, static. The loud, irritating noise filled the room and made me jump. I muted the TV and stared at the screen, confused and scared out of my mind. Something like this only happened when there was a major lightning storm. When I looked out the window and into the front yard, it was only cloudy but it was nice enough outside that people were loitering around.

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