Like a Brother

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I liked Al like a brother, those words clouded my thoughts. I lost mine so maybe I'm just projecting my feelings onto him, thoughts like this surrounded me too. His arms still cocooning me, one around my waist the other around my shoulder.

The silence still surrounded us as I slowly felt Al remove his arm, gently placing his hands on my shoulders.

'I'll make sure you're ok.' Al stared right into my eyes, 'I promise.'

'Sorry I need some air.' I didn't want to leave, especially after Al had said those kind words. 'I'll just be out in the hallway.'

I was walking out. I vividly remember this for some reason. The sound of my footsteps, all the heartbeats mangled as they pounded louder, only the slight sounds of creaking metal and fabric rustling.

'Thank you Al.' I felt it as I forced the words out, that's what I wanted to say from the beginning.

I walked out and slumped against the wall. It's hard surface was rough against my back. I closed my eyes into pure darkness this time. No one single shred of the bright darkness was here, not a single shred of the mysterious figure. I just stared into my eyelids for a good five minutes, all the time Al fluttered through my head. Just like a brother. Yet again that's all I thought.

'Excuse me, are you alright?' An unfamiliar voice spoke then. It was shrewd and lying, a sly and cunning voice. 'Are you looking for someone?'

I opened my eyes and gazed at this figure for a few awkward seconds. He bore a soft smile, a tall and muscular physique, black hair and beard. Soon I realised that this was one other than Fuhrer King Bradley.

'No Sir I'm quite alright.' My body shot up straight. I stood then with my head bowed as I talked to him. 'I just needed some air after talking to Lieutenant Colonel Mustang, Lieutenant Hawkeye, The Fullmetal Alchemist and Alphonse Elric.'

'Ah yes, talking to the Fullmetal Alchemist can sure wear you out.' His words were kind, but his voice showed something else. 'I'm also here to see Mustang and the Fullmetal Alchemist. Would you please lead the way?'

'Sure Sir.' I walked as gracefully as possible, gliding open the doors to where everyone was. 'Fuhrer King Bradley is here to talk to you lieutenant Colonel Mustang and Edward Elric.'

I became extremely formal in his presence, something I would never usually do. I had an overwhelming sense of fear for him. Not because of his status, but something else. He seemed to carry himself with an extreme sense of confidence, as if he was some all powerful force. His muscular physique showed this strength, but something else lingered around him, some inhuman force.

'Sir.' I'd never seen Roy stand so quickly, same with Riza.

'Ah the Elric Brothers, it's good to see you're all alright.' Yet again his voice was kind, but I could see Ed and Roy's visible discomfort around him. 'Alphonse, lieutenant Haweye and you Miss, could you please allow me to speak with Lieutenant Colonel Mustang and the Fullmetal Alchemist in private.'

'Yes sir.' Riza saluted him with immaculate posture.

'A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Sir.' With those final words I left, Al and Riza trailing behind.

'I'll return to my work now, if you need anything I'm happy to help.' Riza spoke as soon as we left the room. 'You can wait outside. The doors are made so it's hard to hear through, so it shouldn't be a problem.'

'Uh.' I knew I had something to say, getting it out was harder though. With that I stared at the floor and spoke. 'Thank you.'

'No need to thank me.' Riza had become relaxed and her voice softened. 'I hate seeing you upset, I won't drop those scars though. They're a lot more concerning then you think.'

After those words Riza left us. Al and I stood in silence for a minute, both of us avoiding eye contact.

'Why do you think the Fuhrer needs to talk to them?' Al spoke quietly, as if he didn't want to break the silence.

'Not sure. I don't think it's serious though.' My voice was quiet too, slowly I leaned into the wall next to the door. 'Al.'

I froze for a second, questioning the words I wanted to say. Sliding my back down the wall, I wrapped my hands around my legs, knees tucked into my chest.

'What is it (y/n)?' Al looked at me intently before sitting next to me, his body close to mine.

'Nothing.' I didn't even know what I wanted to tell or ask him. I had words but they weren't in the correct order. They were all jumbled and weird.

'Sure?' Al's voice hinted desperation. He wanted to hear me speak. 'You can tell or ask me anything. Never forget that.'

'I just wanted to make sure you were still there.' Maybe that's what I wanted to say, I can't remember now, but something else wanted to come out. I looked into my lap, clothes crumbled around my waist.

'I'll always be with you. Even when I'm out I wont leave you. I'll always be with you somehow.' Al made my heart flutter, I could feel heat rising to my cheeks, tears falling into my lap.

Al laid his arm around my shoulders, slowly squeezing. One hand gripped my shoulder, the other linked into the one of mine that cradled my legs. I couldn't resist laying my head on his shoulder. What should feel uncomfortable and cold was warm and soft, as if I lay into a human  body.

I felt my eyes close into the light black, I sat next to the figure. He held me like Al was, his shoulder was more boney, but gave me comfort. His fingers were more slender and contained no muscle. He seemed frail, I felt that if I kept my head on they're shoulder that it would break. I moved my head off and we made eye contact, his forehead leaned into mine.

'I'll always be with you.' The figure spoke once more. I loved his soft tone, how it matched his body and his doughy eyes. 'I'll always be with you somehow.'

I moved my face towards his, he did the same. Our noses brushed together, hope rushed through me. Even with the future dangling above I felt as if it wasn't scary here. Our lips slowly brushed together. My eyes forced open to see Al embracing me in the same way the figure had.

'(Y/n),' Al's voice was hushed, he sounded happy as if this is what he wanted. We remained frozen in this place.

'Yeah.' My voice also contained this hushed tone. My eyes widening suddenly as thoughts rushed into me.

You like Al? No it's just the need for comfort. I like him like a brother.

Without thought I moved away from Al, his arm remained locked around me. This time he wouldn't let me go...

End of Chapter 17
(Oooh things are getting spicy!!!! Thanks for all the support)

________________________End of Chapter 17(Oooh things are getting spicy!!!! Thanks for all the support)

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