Parting Ways

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I got up slowly, looking around at the wasteland that the world was becoming. It was just sad that everything came to this, war being our solution when things go wrong.

I heard voices. Just running past, but I knew who it was. Ed, Roy, Riza, they were alive.

'Give me a second to rest.' I slowed down to a walk. 'I just want to save my energy.'

'Ok.' Ling sat next to me. 'Left.'

We both ducked back as a bullet went past our faces. A couple dozen soldiers arrived, all of them armed and ready.

'Surrender or I'll shoot.' The man speaking was afraid, his gun shook in his hand. 'Put your hands up.'

'Well you already shot at us.' Ling just smiled at them, he could see his fear too. 'So I won't be surrendering.'

'Sorry,' I looked to the soldiers, 'I'm not either.'

'FIRE!' The sound of bullets filled the air.

I quickly created a wall, protecting both Ling and I. I watched as Ling walked around it and the bullets stopped. Using transmutations I created a hole so I could see what was happening.

'Shoot again.' He now spoke as Greed. 'I dare you.'

A single gun shot went off. Not another sound could be heard.

'Thanks Lan Fan.' I watched as she walked through the bodies. 'I owe you one.'

'You owe me more than one Young Lord.' Ling put his arm around Lan Fan. 'But that is what I'm here to do.'

'What a rest this is, right (y/n)?' Ling sat down again and I joined him. 'Can't they leave us in peace for a few seconds?'

'Well they're kind of trained to shoot the unsuspecting, so they could but that would go against what they're taught.' Ling hit me in the head. 'Hey don't give me brain damage! You need me!'

'That's debatable...' I flicked Ling, who proceeded to get up and offer me a hand. 'Let's get going.'

I took his hand and he pulled me up, which lead to him pulling me to the ground. I flipped over and stared at him in a mock angry face.

'What?' He chuckled to himself. 'You flicked me so I put you on the floor.'

'You also hit me in the back of the head!' He offered me a hand again. 'Of course I'm going to take your hand after you THREW ME ON THE GROUND!'

'Well you hit me one time and Greed the other,' I stood up dusting myself off, 'so it's even.'

'Not when you and Greed have the same body!' I flicked him again, this time starting to run. 'Come on slow poke, let's go!'

'My Lord!' Lan Fan stopped us for a second, I could see her smile from behind her mask. 'Briggs Platoon has taken control of central.'

We all looked at each other for a moment, then smiled in pure ecstasy. We couldn't stay like that for long though, we had to keep going. So that's what we did, continue to run to wherever Ling or Greed took me.

We finally arrived after a long run. I looked up, it was central.

'I thought the Briggs Platoon had got this under control?' I looked at Ling with pure confusion.

'Go in and stay with them.' Ling turned away, quickly starting to run. 'You don't have a choice.'

In seconds he sprinted off, all I could do was follow his orders. I ran to the front door into the halls once more. Groans rung throughout the building, I soon found the cause. White figures with only a single eye had filled the building. Without thought I grabbed my gun, shooting at them.

'MAJOR!' Shouts came from further down the hallway. 'GENERAL ARMSTRONG!'

I shot through them, running until something grabbed me. Hands clenched my feet. These "dolls" could survive with damage. I shot at them more to free myself only to find other dolls attacking me and taking my weapon. I felt useless for a moment, trapped as one of them tried to bite my shoulder, my automail shoulder. I transmutted a pillar to hit the doll with my gun, watching as the gun fell to the floor giving me time to grab it. I shot at them again, now at a quicker rate to allow me to run through.

I then heard what I heard earlier. It's what I now know as the homunculus Sloth. It had been attacking Armstrong. I saw soldiers holding it back with its chains, only seconds later a wall transmutted before me.

A woman walked forward, I cautiously walked behind. She spoke to both of the Armstrongs, it seemed she was asked to help. Soon fear flooded me as Sloth broke free from the chains, lunging towards this woman. I clapped my hands ready to transmute, but with a single punch she sent him flying. I stood for a moment, like an idiot, with my hands clapped together, then I slowly lowered them to my side.

'All yours dear!' The woman shouted as a man, with the same physique as Armstrong hit him.

I stood in awe, no one had even noticed my presence. In a second Armstrong and him had a moment of manliness before Sloth attacked again, but after this man fest Armstrong seemed strong again.

That's when it died for a final time, Sloth was defeated. I was still left staring in shock at the drama unfolding before me. I was in my own world for a moment before hearing this:

'You know the Elric Brothers, Don't you?' I looked to the woman, 'they were my students.'

In seconds I ran to her, Olivier Armstrong mentioned her name, Izumi Curtis. I was unable to speak, but I listened as the Armstrongs stood again to battle, saying something inspirational which I can't quite remember. Izumi had agreed to help too, but I couldn't stand back.

'Hey!' They all turned in shock, finally realising that I was there. 'I'm in good shape. Let me help.'

'Who are you?' Izumi looked at me curiously. 'Not that I mind the help.'

'I'm (Y/n) (L/n), an alchemist.' She looked at me wide eyed. 'I also know the Elrics, so it's an honour to be in the presence of the person who taught them.'

I heard shuffling and quickly turned to a doll, shooting it.

'Let's get this show on the the road!' I shouted out shooting at more of them...

End of Chapter 39
(Ok. I can apologise and apologise for being useless so this time I'll make it up to you. I'll try and write a few more chapters today, but I'm currently watching and writing so it'll take a while. I love all the love and support I've been getting and I feel like I'm taking it for granted since I keep you guys waiting! I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! You'll understand why posting has been very delayed after I post my new stories (Fairy Tail Sting x Reader and Free! Rin x Reader) but still that isn't an excuse for neglecting to post this one. I'll be writing while you're reading this so get ready for more chapters!!)

 I'll be writing while you're reading this so get ready for more chapters!!)

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