We Only Have One Life

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'No,' Ling hit my forehead. 'You're a human being. We all mess up sometimes.'

'Ling I-' he brought me in for a hug, patting me awkwardly.

'Come on idiot,' he let go and walked ahead, looking back to speak to me. 'We've got a war to win.'

'WAIT!' Ling looked at me quizzically. 'I thought I was human?'

'You are.' His voice morphed, Greed began to speak. 'Humans are idiots. They crave all they can't have, even death. I don't appreciate you trying to kill us either, but Ling cares for you so maybe murdering him isn't the best option, for the both of us.'

'Greed, right?' He nodded cautiously. 'You want all you can't have, like Ling craved power, you crave humanity.'

'I wouldn't say-' he paused, arms crossed. 'Wow you've really sussed me out.'

'I hope you can find that.' I walked up to him. 'We've got a war to win and you're helping so get a move on!'

He began to sprint and I joined him, my legs aching. I held my tears, thinking about how Ling had been corrupted.

'Greed!' Ling's face stared back but Greed looked at me. 'Are you making Ling immortal?'

'To an extent.' He kept sprinted, I followed behind, failing to reach his pace. 'I don't want to die either so I won't let Ling die.'

'I wish the best for you.' He stopped running, a true smile on his face, but he seemed sad. 'I'm sorry for shooting at you.'

I was pulled into a hug, They had hugged me. Both of them, Ling and Greed, held me comforting me.

'Thank you.' Greed and Ling spoke together, I could feel them fighting over dominance.

'I'm sorry I let myself be turned into this.' Ling now took over. 'I promise you Greed's a good guy.'

'You're not so bad yourself.' A weird conversation was happening, Ling had the tears, Greed had the happiness. 'I've grown to like you guys so I hope you can accept me.'

'Let's go.' I broke into a sprint.

I was balling my eyes out. I kept going avoiding their sight of my red face. That was until I stared ahead. I paused, collapsing. Ruins were strewn about, in the middle of one lay a little girl, her body had been crushed by the falling debris. Her parents were also in the same state, one of them had had their head smashed, the other had bled out. Close to the bodies lay a baby. I paused a second, wobbling as I got up and walked towards the baby. I walked through the blood stained ground and went to pick up the child. I knelt in a pool of blood, touching the fabric swaddled around the baby only to hear a faint cry. I instantly picked them up, their face was bloodied and bruised, their cries were drowned out by the blood filling their lungs.

'They're alive.' I spoke solemnly, I knew the fate that they would suffer. 'We need to get help.'

'That poor child is only another victim. We can't save them.' Ling crouched next to me, a hand on my shoulder. 'The best you can do is keep them in your mind when you fight.'

I got up, still holding the child, and began to run. I ran to the closest place I knew, to anywhere where that there'd be a medical kit. I still heard the faint cries from the child. The cloth grew wet as the child could no longer hold it in. Instantly I took of my jacket, peeling away the swaddling cloth from what I now saw was a little boy, using all I had to keep him warm.

'(Y/n),' Ling had reached me, he saw my feeble attempts. 'Their lungs are filling with blood. There's nothing we can do.'

'I CAN TRY!' I sprinted again, looking for any place where someone may be. 'I WASN'T GIVEN UP ON SO I'M NOT GIVING UP ON HIM!'

I found an untouched building, voices could be heard from inside. I pounded on the door, screaming until my throats hurt and my voice gave up on me. The cries were dying out.

'Please.' I kept pounding, kneeling in the doorway crying to myself. 'Help.'

Ling was walking up the steps, I heard a gurgling noise as the boy's lungs finally filled. He passed in my arms. I heard his last cries, his last breath, felt as his warmth leave his body, felt his heart stopping. He just stopped everything, he relaxed.

'(Y/n),' Ling sat on the step next to me, 'we need to keep going.'

'I know.' I stared into the little boy's face. 'Did I do the right thing? I took him away from his family, he died in my arms.'

'You did the best you could.' Ling had seen it before.

'Is this what my brother looked like when he died?' I stared at the innocent child, his cheeks were drained of colour. 'Is this what he went through? He died in the arms of someone else, of a killer.'

'You're not a killer.' I knew Ling was staring at me now, but I couldn't help but be mesmerised by the little child.

'I always thought Michael did nothing really bad to me.' I brushed away the tears from the baby's face. 'Somehow he killed someone, but it was my fault. I just remember him holding a gun and pulling the trigger. Looking into this little boy's eyes as they just died, I can't do that to someone. How did I think it was ok? Each human life is only one, we only have one life and he decided to take someone else's and use mine. That will never be ok!'

'Hughes killed people, so has Mustang, they're not bad people.' He patted me awkwardly. 'War puts people in a survival mode. Humans really are selfish creatures aren't they Greed.'

There was silence for a moment, not even gun shots run out. The baby, still cradled in my arms, had lost all its warmth. I walked towards a patch of grass, placing the child next to me as I transmuted a hole. Tears poured from my eyes as I placed the helpless child down, covering the hole with dirt and transmuting a tombstone.

'It's time to win this war.' I stared at the gravestone...

End of Chapter 38
(Yet again sorry this took so long. Thanks for 2k reads and over 100 votes! I sincerely apologise for the lack of posts and the fact this one isn't too interesting. Hope you were able to enjoy this chapter! Thank you so much for reading and commenting it means a lot!)

 Hope you were able to enjoy this chapter! Thank you so much for reading and commenting it means a lot!)

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