The Truth

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The pounding of my heart spread through my body. Darkness consumed my vision, muffled loud voices disappeared as if they were never there to begin with. I sat in darkness, my eyes were glued shut, my body was frozen.

'Hello again.' I didn't recognise this voice. 'I see you're back.'

I did what I could to look up, my body limp. I rolled my eyes up, but they were still shut. Somehow I saw it. The figure I saw before. It's featureless face haunted me, its petrifying smile was imbedded deep into my mind. I felt my body heat up, my breath quicken and my heart rate speed up. I still wasn't able to open my eyes, the white darkness was a real thing, I was actually there, but my body was also in the other place too. Thoughts like that raced through my mind.

'I know what you're thinking.' I stared at it. 'Your soul is here but your body is not. It's like a reverse Alphonse.'

When it said that I brimmed with anger. How heartless would you be to say it was a 'reverse Alphonse'. It isn't even that bad of a thing to say, I just couldn't figure out why he knew that. It angered me.

'What? You look angry, will you speak or not?' Some how it's face looked at me, it's eyeless face. 'I'm not too patient you know.'

'Why am I back here?' I heard it laughing. 'There's no reason for me to be here! I know what you-'

I realised where I was. I knew this place. I was in the Truth. I began to regain movement. I turned slowly to see a door behind me. That door, the door that ruined everything.

'Huh. You finally realised.' It stared deeper into me. 'Took you a while. You're here because of the transmutation circles, don't you know that?'

It's smile grew wider and more menacing, I felt fear coursing through my veins, my heart pumping it around my body. I knew what it was talking about. The scars on my legs that Riza saw, that was part of it. The rest spanned my entire back and stomach. It was a transmutation circle. The worst part is, it was for human transmutation.

'I'm not using them so why am I here?' It stopped smiling. 'WHY DO YOU KEEP BRINGING ME HERE?!'

I ran towards it, the door suddenly creaked open. I was grabbed by thousands of hands, they held me in place. I remembered them well, they took me into there, showed me whatever they wanted and forced me out, my memory mostly gone.

'Are you calm now?' I hung my head, I no longer wanted to see it. 'Those Human transmutation circles are linked to the ones your father uses. Every time he tries to save someone you get sent back here. I'm a nice person, sometimes I'll let Al greet you, but now it's not worth it.'

'How is it my fault he linked them?' I looked back at it, its smile had returned. 'Why can't you just leave me alone?'

'That's not how this works.' It simply shrugged. 'Now think about what he's doing. He's not doing it himself. I've taken countless people into here because of him. It's nice to see your familiar face, much like Ed's.'

'I don't want to be a familiar face.' I mumbled to myself. 'I want it to stop.'

'Can't do that.' It's voice boomed over the whispers I spoke before. 'How about I let you see Al?'

'Before, can you answer me this?' I spoke louder now, it nodded. 'Have any of my father's transmutations been successful to any extent?'

It just shook its head. The heads released me and all I could do was fall.

'(Y/n)!' Silent footsteps thundered through me. 'You're ok!'

I looked back to see Al. Seconds before he touched me arms grabbed him.

'I'm ok Al.' I looked at his doughy eyes, I saw a little smile on his face. That's all I ever wanted. I craved to see that face everyday instead of his emotionless helmet, but I knew it wasn't his fault. I got a taste of how Al looks and I couldn't get enough. I smiled back at him. I attempted to touch him, to feel if he's real. I failed. My eyes flickered open onto the soldiers around me. I had reached a house of some sort, I was lying down, no cuffs or anything.

'You doing alright there (y/n)?' I knew this voice too well. 'It'd be great if you could stop lying on the floor.'

The other soldier asked if I was ok after, I began to get up, the soldier that helped me with the whole Michael situation helped me up.

'I'm Rick by the way.' I put a name to the face that saved me.

'Thank you.' I looked over to the guy who spoke before. 'Sorry Jean, it wasn't really my plan to pass out in the first place.'

He chuckled a bit, I wandered over to him, looking at each weapon he had in his store. He looked strong still, even after his legs became paralysed he looked so strong.

'Nice to see you're doing well.' He smiled at me. 'I hope everything is good with-'

He was cut off by the phone. He picked it up quickly, I instantly recognised the voice on the other end. Roy Mustang. Jean had supplied them with weapons for today. More importantly Roy was alive and most likely so was everyone else. I watched as Jean hung up the phone.

'What are you doing out by yourself?' Jean looked serious, he was never usually serious. 'Roy wouldn't have left you wandering the streets.'

'I may have left the house against his orders.' I looked at Jean cautiously, all he did was smile. 'I know I shouldn't have but I can't just watch everyone die!'

'Ahhh come on. Who's gonna die?' He spoke with confidence. 'Have more faith in them, when they die that's when we worry. In a war that's the mentality you have to have. I know it's hard but you're strong. Your role is to help out back here, away from the violence. I know you want to fight and I know you're strong, but you already got captured by a group of soldiers, I think you should take a break.'

I smiled at Jean weakly...

End of Chapter 34
(Hope you liked it! Second chapter also got 100 reads now! That's amazing! I love that people are enjoying this book and all the random posting times because I can't seem to keep a schedule.)


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