An End and Beginning

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We sat on the sofa in silence for a while. Many people would say that this silence was awkward, but it was the best silence I ever had. I placed my head on Al's shoulder and I felt his soft body rise up and down. Noises could be heard from the kitchen, but I could still hear Al's breaths as they tumbled from his mouth. Along with with the steady breath leaving and entering his body, his heart thumped loudly, keeping his body alive.

Al's lips grazed my head, kissing lightly as he shuffled in an attempt to stand. Without a word I moved to allow him to get up, his hand outstretched to help me.

'Where're we going?'I took Al's hand to stand, being lead out of the house by him.

'Just follow me.' He began to climb up the house.

I stepped carefully as Al helped me up, eventually arriving on the roof. We both sat carefully as we looked out to the world.

'It's weird to be up here.' He spoke into the breeze, his words soft. 'I can see everything. This is where I grew up and everything went wrong. I knew coming back would be happy, but it feels odd to show you everything and now you know about the house too.'

'Al?' He didn't look at me, only bowing his head slightly. 'If you're worried that I judge you don't be. It's amazing that you had the courage to do what you did as kids and you made it this far. The past is behind you and look at you now! You're a handsome guy with more life experience than most people and you have fought your way to get where you are. I can't begin to imagine how hard your life was, but I know you're so strong.'

'Thank you.' Al looked up again, his eyes weren't focused on much. 'I don't want to change anything though. Is that odd? If I could redo my life I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe if I knew exactly what would happen in this life and then go back I would have changed things a bit, but right now I don't wish to go back. I'm glad everything played out the way it did. It makes this moment so much better.'

I smiled a little, looking out aimlessly as Al had been doing, but soon my eyes widened. He had one arm around my waist, the other resting on the roof to keep balance. He put his lips on mine, softly kissing me as I froze. It only took a second for me to melt into the kiss, I let my eyes close and my hands roam onto Al's body. It only lasted a moment though. Then it stopped. Not in the way you think. We didn't pull back and romantically look into each others eyes as we smiled. I said before that Al used one hand to keep balance, but I didn't. I got carried away and I embraced him, leaving me unstable. So, just as the kiss was getting really good I slid back, nearly taking Al with me. Al reacted quickly and grabbed my foot, but he still wasn't strong enough to pull me back up. I lay on the roof for a moment with my arms dangling off the side of the building and just laughed. My life was full of twists and turns and any enjoyment I could get I tried my hardest to take.

'This is a predicament, isn't it?' I chuckled as Al's face was filled with fear. 'I get myself into the weirdest situations.'

'(Y/n)! You're going to have to help me here or you'll fall!' Al's voice was fuelled by terror, it made my heart hurt to hear him like that.

I mustered up the strength to sit up as much as I could, placing my hands back to prop me up a bit. I waddled my hands up the roof as I wiggled my butt up slowly. Eventually I returned to where I had been before, Al wrapping an arm around me as I became stable.

'Are you ok?' He was filled with worry. 'I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought you up here it's dangerous.'

'Al I'm fine.' I grabbed the roof tightly as I hugged him back with one arm. 'It's pretty up here. Look.'

I pointed to the sky that had become a rainbow of colour. The sun had begun to set on the world, the first day of everything becoming what it once had. Al was back to normal, Ed was happier and seemed to be having a great time back in Resembool and the world seemed to be falling into place.

'(Y/n),' Al had an arm wrapped around me, pulling me close into the comfort of his arms, 'what do you want for the future?'

'I don't know.' I lay my head onto his shoulder, listening to the life inside him buzzing. 'I want a family, but I don't know about kids. I don't know when I want them if I want them, but I want a family of at least two. You and me.'

Al smiled at that response, yet again shuffling to get up.

'I do too.' He smiled as he helped me off the roof.

We jumped down, neither of us colliding with the floor below. We walked back into the house, the world outside dark after the sun had said goodbye to the day. The smell of good food drifted around the house and excitement fell onto Al's face.

'I can't wait for Winry's cooking!' Al's voice was loud as he spoke, his eyes sparkling in anticipation. 'Her food was soo gooood! I've been wanting it for years.'

'I'm glad you like it Al.' Winry walked out, Al blushing slightly realising she overheard. 'Good thing dinner is ready so both of you come and sit down to eat.'

Al practically ran into the kitchen and I walked behind him. I sat and ate the delicious food, watching as Al lit up as he tasted Winry's cooking.

I was ready for the life ahead...

End of Chapter 47
(It feels weird to be writing this part of the story. I love writing this, but looking back I've lost the same excitement I had at the start, it's a new type of excitement since this is the part where the series is drawing to a close and I get to make up more stuff. Once again hope you guys enjoyed and I love hearing back from you. See you in another month!!!)

 See you in another month!!!)

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