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'Friendship. That's a little harder.' Roy stood behind me as he spoke, it reminded me of being in the hospital again, when his voice wasn't recognised yet. It was an unfamiliar familiarity.

'I don't think it's that hard.' Ed was trying to best Roy, 'It's just a feeling.'

'It's not a feeling. Friendship is like a glass figure. It's pretty and amazing, but it's easy to break.' Al sounded like a philosopher, he was smart and kind.

'Is there something that's harder to break?' I still stared up at the ceiling, looking at each crack and its texture.

'Yeah, love.' My eyes flicked over to Al, my head still pointed at the ceiling. 'Love is something hard to break when it's real. Instead of glass, it's plastic. It can be just as pretty, maybe even prettier, but it's still breakable.'

'Wow Al, never knew you thought this stuff.' Ed placed his hand on Al's shoulder, a sly grin plastered on his face. 'Do you want to impress (y/n) by any chance.'

When Ed spoke he sounded like a smug kid. Al panicking and flustered, once more I was completely oblivious. All I could do was chuckle a little and return my gaze back to the roof. I continued to study the lights, the way the ceiling was painted, how it had aged. Staring drowned out the noise, insanity slowly setting in as my neck began to cramp. The words flowed through me, no clue what they were anymore, all swamping me. I think that was the moment I felt emptiness. I'd felt nothing before, but still I'd felt the ability to feel. Now I was empty, it was like my body had been drained.

'Come on!' Ed was still being childish, 'I'm sure (Y/n) likes you too!'

I snapped back, happiness filled my senses, I wasn't empty yet.

'Uh.' Only a single sound could come out, how could I explain what I feel for him when I didn't know myself.

'Why are you hesitating (y/n)?' Ed still sounded like a five year old, but this one needed a good hit around the head. 'Ow ok! I get it! You just don't want to tell him right now!'

I prepared my arm to hit him again, but couldn't help but laugh when he put his hands up to surrender.

'Now that you kids have had your fun, we need to get you a mission.' Roy brought us back, we were going to have to do one at some point. Looking back at this, whenever Roy is quiet it seems like he's closing his eyes, I never thought I made him that tired.

'Well tell us what there is then.' Ed still sounded bratty, even without the childish voice.

'We have trouble brewing here in central with the whole...' he looked at me before deciding not to say the word, he stepped around it. 'Situation.'

'Ok that's fine by me.' Ed sounded calm and composed, 'as long as it takes us to our goal. We'll sort that out, that might get us one step closer.'

'Yo.' I can remember the exact feeling of shock I felt as a random man appeared from the window. 'How's it going!'

'Oh hey Ling.' I also remember looking around frantically, confused at the situation, hoping someone would share the same emotion.

'Who's the kid?' Ling gestured towards me, I was slightly shocked by his use of the word kid.

'I'm (y/n).' I spoke through gritted teeth. 'Nice to meet you.'

'Ah. I'm Ling, twelfth prince of Xing.' My whole body scrunched up as he said that, once recovered I bowed to him. 'Now now, no need for the formalities. Lan Fan, Fu, Mei Chang! Come in!'

'Pleasure to meet you.' I assumed the people bowing to me were Lan Fan and Fu, since Mei Chang ran over to Alphonse, this made me jealous.

'The pleasure is all mine, you don't have to bow before me.' I spoke in a sophisticated tone, I used language I hadn't used since I escaped from my home. 'Are you loyal guards of Prince Ling?'

'Yes, I'm Fu.' He still bowed his head to me, Lan Fan on the other hand looked at me straight on. 'This is Lan Fan, she is also a bodyguard to the young Lord.'

'Please! You do not have to bow your head for me.' It unnerved me when he did this, it was a formality which I had run from. 'As bodyguards of Prince Ling I should bow to you. You are higher than I.'

With those words I bowed to him and Lan Fan, both of them looking in wonder. The background noise filled with Mei Chang swooning over Al, which I hated.

'We don't deserve such praise Lady/Lord (l/n).' I can't imagine what I would have looked like, I stared at Fu for a while, silence filled the room.

Lan Fan looked at Fu with confusion, same as everyone else. Ling walked over to us after he had been talking to Ed, Al and Mei Chang.

'Lady/Lord (l/n).' With that Ling bowed his head to me, 'I didn't believe I would find a member of your family so far out of your hometown. I was going to travel to discuss your alchemy. It's a blessing to have met you here.'

'Prince Yao, please refrain from bowing to someone of lower class.' I spoke out of shock. The Xing Emperor had known of our family's existence, but not once had I imagined that a member of the royal family would travel to speak to us. 'Allow me to show my gratitude for your travel and aid to us.'

I didn't know how to act, My head was bowed in Ling's presence, Ed, Al, Mei and Lan Fan stared in wonder at us. Fu and Roy, who both knew what was going on, acted normally as if it was routine.

'Ling I think you've got the wrong person.' Ed hadn't been paying close attention to the words, he was just filled with confusion.

'I'm correct.' Ling spoke with such convection, 'I apologise for referring to you as kid previously, please forgive me Lady/Lord (l/n).'

I had no real care for being called a kid. I was scared of those words. Lady/Lord (l/n), I guess I can never escape...

End of Chapter 20
(Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long but I hope that Ling appearing made it better!)

____________________________End of Chapter 20(Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long but I hope that Ling appearing made it better!)

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