A Walk in the Park

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The walk went on and on into the lunch hours. Every so often we would sit and talk a bit, I loved every second. We got stared at a bit which did make me uncomfortable but it didn't matter. I felt like I had won something, the lottery of life. I got all the I ever wished for in my prayers, freedom, have friends, see Maes and Roy again, explore, fall in love. The world was at my fingertips.

Something had to come crashing down, my life wasn't meant to be perfect, well that's what I thought. Fairy tales themselves may not exist, maybe not ones containing fairies and dragons, but there are the select cases of real life fairy tales. I feel like Al and I just might be one of them, my knight in shining armour, but in this story we didn't kiss and get married, we learned to love each other.

It's magical to think like that, it helps you at your darkest moments. When I lost my hand I remember thinking how will I pray for a better life? What sadistic God looks down on us, if any, to make us think these things. A hand is only a hand if you think of it that way, I could pray with my mouth, speak to God instead of these stupid thought out prayers. Now God is a different story, they're up there and we're here, if they're there at all. I walk by it, I'm more of a witness to it than a activist, because God didn't do anything for me, I did it myself. I used my legs, flimsy foot and all, to run to safety, to run to the life I want. I used my eyes, my ears, my arms, my legs, my soul and heart to get to where I was, somehow I'm even further now.

My mind kept running like that whilst I sat next to Al, a smile always on my face. I couldn't help but realise the world we live in, the fickleness of it, how it doesn't care about you. I have Ed, Roy, Ling, Lan Fan, May Chang, Armstrong, Jean, Riza, Winry, Al and so many more people to care about me, who needs the world when you have that?

The walk had to stop at some point, Al's hand in mine as we headed back to Roy's. We were speaking but I wasn't paying attention to the words, his voice was soothing, it was a different tone to what it'd normally been. It was more nervous and anxious, because he was around me.

'So umm, did you enjoy yourself?' He awkwardly laughed a bit.

'Of course I did Al.' I beamed up at him, wrapping my arms around him. 'I had fun because you were with me.'

'T-thanks.' He looked at me, we had stopped walking.

This was the moment when we should of kissed, but how do you kiss someone with no mouth. The physical stuff isn't important though, it's just a way to show your partner you still love them without saying it, it can just be a way to lie without words.

I placed my arms around Al's neck and kissed his helmet on the forehead. After Al stood back nervous still, maybe even more nervous than before.

'Sorry (y/n).' He seemed calm as he spoke, he was upset. 'This stupid armour won't let me kiss you back.'

Al really cared about that stuff. I can understand how you would grow to hate being encased in armour, you couldn't feel anything, but Al cared about this

'I don't care about that stuff.' I couldn't help but put my head against his. 'It's just a way of showing love in the end. I can hug you and kiss you and I know you would have done it back. I do it so that you know I care about you.'

'(Y/n),' Al sighed as he put his arm around me. 'I will get out of this body soon, we'll kiss, I promise, but you don't need to kiss me to show that you care, I already knew that. I just want to feel you, that's my only complaint.'

We stayed like that a while, I was smiling into Al, his arms around me. After a few minutes we walked back in, the room weirdly silent.

'Hello?' I called into the empty room.

'They must have gone out.' Al came in after me, looking around. 'What's this?'

Al read over a note then handed it to me. I looked at it wide eyed. It read; When you love birds are done come down to central, I was red from embarrassment. Somehow I hadn't cared if everyone on the street saw us or not, but with Roy and Ed it felt taboo. It felt as if I wasn't allowed to do so, as if I hadn't been in a relationship prior, which I hadn't technically.

'Let's go again then.' Al turned on his heals and opened the door.

'Uhh more walking!' I complained to Al who could only laugh at my solemn expression. 'At least I'll get to be with you more.'

Al became nervous again, silence coming over both of us as our heels clicked against the stone paths. We didn't talk the whole way there, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was a calm silence that didn't have to be filled with unneeded conversation and stupid questions no one cares about. Al's hand was in mine, that's all that mattered to me. He was still there even as I looked around at shops and a passing butterfly. If he was out of my view I could still feel him, his hand warm in mine.

We soon made it, our faces so known that they let us go right in without need for ID or anything. We made it to Roy, opening the door to a serious faced Ed, Roy and Riza.

The time had come...

End of Chapter 30
(Can't believe I wrote 30 parts and people are still reading, huh. Well hope everyone enjoyed!)

 Well hope everyone enjoyed!)

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