All the Love I Can

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Riza and I walked to Roy's room, I peaked in as he spoke to his subordinates.

'Before we go in I just wanted to ask you something,' I nodded to Riza, 'you and Al were under the sheets, did you guys... well...'

'NOPE! NOPE NOPE NOPETY NOPE!' I said it as if I was completely repulsed by the idea. 'He just wanted company, that's all!'

'Oh hey you're back!' Jean smiled as he opened the door. 'You guys are super loud.'

'Is that (y/n) and Riza?' Roy spoke, moving his head towards Riza and I.

'Yes sir.' Roy chuckled to himself.

'I'm glad you've come to visit,' Roy lay down and smirked, 'now you have to tell A-'

'(Y/n) did it already.' Roy shot up, sitting tall as he listened to Riza's words. 'Al said they were dating~'

'(Y/n)?!' Jean hugged me tight, lifting me off the ground. 'YOU'VE GROWN UP SO FAST! YOU'RE EVEN DATING BEFORE I AM!!'

'Calm down Jean!' I pushed him off and sat next to Roy. 'So Al and I came to the mutual agreement that we like each other and then he shouted that we were dating to Riza. It was possibly the weirdest moment of my life so thank you all for making me relive it.'

We all laughed and talked for a while, I constantly went between Al and Roy talking. It was a long time that they were recovering so I did my best and brought gifts and things to make them happy. I had found my family and I truly was happy to be alive.

Every day I took a walk, going to the same place, weekly getting a gift for where I was going. I would kneel down and tell him everything, sometimes crying, other times laughing, shouting, just existing. I looked at the soil and spoke, imagining what he would say back.

'Damn I miss you.' I looked to the soil as I said a final goodbye. 'It'll be a while before I come and talk again, I brought the flowers that you said you liked, even though that was around a decade ago. I miss you Maes, it's weird to say dad but I know I called you that over and over again. I love y-'

'Who are you?' A little girl ran to me, her mother trailing behind. 'What are you doing with daddy?'

'Slow down Elicia!' I saw the shock on her face as she saw me.

'Gracia?' I stood up, brushing myself off. 'I apologise for never visiting. I'm (y/n). Maes saved me a while back and-'

'I remember you well. You were the first taste of being a mother I had.' She smiled and hugged me. 'It's been too long. Come over to ours and we'll feed you well!'

'Please I don't deserve this.' I smiled as she grabbed my hand leading me to her house. 'I've already taken up a lot of your time.'

'No no no. My time was well spent and I have never regretted it. What I regret is not having you longer.' She smiled so widely, Elicia giggling as she held my other hand. 'Maes would've wanted me to care for you like he would have so I'm going to do just that.'

I spent my lunch with them. I got to meet Elicia properly and play with her, her laugh was just like Maes', it made me so happy. Gracia made amazing food that I couldn't help but indulge myself with. The time came to leave and she wrapped up cakes for Ed and Al.

A while went by before Ed, Al and I were on the train to Resembool. I stared out of the window, remembering the last time I'd been on a train. At that time I was shrouded in fear, wishing to escape that man and myself, but now I was glad that things happened that way. I wasn't happy about all the pain everyone went through, but each smile was worth it. I heard shuffling so I looked up to see Ed walking off somewhere. A hand was placed in mine, Al smiling beside me. I promptly laid my head on his shoulder.

'Are you excited?' I spoke softly, staring at our intertwined hands.

'Of course. I can't wait to see Winry's face!' Al laughed, my head bouncing slightly. 'She's been the biggest help.'

'I feel like I shouldn't be there right away. This is Ed and your moment.' I sighed quietly. 'I'll just have a quick walk while you all catch up.'

'No one would mind if you come.' Al spoke as Ed went back to sit down. 'It's a special moment.'

'It's special for Winry, Ed and you.' I lifted my head and looked in his eyes. 'I'll go take a walk at least. It would bother me to be in the way.'

'I kind of agree with (y/n),' Ed looked out the window and I smirked at Al, 'after all Winry will probably cry and she won't want her friend to see her like that, even if they're tears of happiness.'

We arrived to Resembool and we parted ways for a bit. I wandered around, looking at the world which Ed and Al had grown up in, it was beautiful. I stumbled upon some graves and since I was bored I walked to them, reading each word. I came across two names that I recognised, 'Trisha Elric' and 'Hohenhiem Elric.'

'Hi.' I knelt down in front of the stones. 'I'm (y/n), but you knew that didn't you Hohenhiem. I know both of you are watching over Ed and Al so I decided it would be nice to introduce myself, even though I just stumbled across you. It must be weird to have someone talk to you like this, I wonder if Winry or Pinako come to visit you. Well I'm glad to have met you. Al and I are in a relationship as well. I just want you to know I'll give him all the love I can, but I'll never replace you.'

End of Chapter 45
(I'm just going to keep going until I run out of ideas so hold on tight for the ride of your life. Still writing other stories which haven't gone out yet. I have a Free! one and two Fairy Tail ones. I'm stuck on ideas in one Fairy Tail one so look out for when I post a story. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for the continuous love and support!)

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for the continuous love and support!)

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