A Beating Heart

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I've decorated alone again. Ed and Winry have been on a trip together as a family again. It's so lonely again. Putting up the decorations hoping you'll see them, getting the ingredients for a dinner that they won't be there for and wrapping gifts that will be left wrapped for months on end.

I want to hold him and allow him to feel what I feel for him. It's so hard to love someone you don't see.

"I love you." I'm watching the tears fall into the phone placed in my lap. "Please come home."

It's so lonely. I'm so scared to be here alone. I can't help but wonder if you've left for good, maybe I should give up.

Knocking on the door is rare yet I'm sure what I heard isn't just my imagination, I hope it isn't my imagination.

My breath feels heavy in my throat, yet I'm taking the deepest breaths I can as I open the door.

"Yo (y/n)!" I'm greeted by a happy face, tears filling my eyes. "Thought I'd come by! Ed told me him and Winry would be back today."

"Is it Wednesday already?" I'm staring at my feet, clenching my eyes shut to stop the tears.

"Yep!" I can hear him slowly leaning over to look at my face. "Hey don't cry. I'm not that bad!"

"Sorry I-" arms wrapped around me, holding me close.

"It's ok." Ling's lips are on the top of my head, but I can't help wishing they were someone else's "I'm here for you."

"No, I'm just so surprised you used the door." I can't believe I laugh at my own jokes.

"Well being royalty means you have to look more civil!" His hands are on his hips, he looks like a fool. "Isn't that right Lan Fan?"

"You don't have to be royalty to do that." She still looks the same, her smile is brighter though.

"Mind if we chill here while we wait?" Ling is the same as always, walking past me before I answer. "Are these decorations for Winry and Ed?"

The house is covered in welcome home decorations and the kitchen smells of homemade roast and Winry's apple pie. I'm embarrassed as I realised how sad it looks. I'm alone in a house, hoping for someone who I don't even know loves me anymore.

"Yeah." It feels so hard to say, a pit in my stomach growing from the lie.

"It's for Al isn't it?" I'm frozen in place, once again tearing up. "Come here."

Yet again Ling embraces me, clutching me close to his heart. I can hear it beating, but all it reminds me of is the first time I heard Al's heart in his chest. The moment of pure joy when I could feel his true warmth, the love I felt, his heart racing when I kissed him, but it's not the same. This heart doesn't seem as strong, it's got more confidence and power. I miss Al's heart.

My heart is pounding in my throat yet somehow I can still hear another knock on the door. I feel it sink to the depths of my stomach, part of me hoping for it to be Al but knowing it won't be him.

Ling won't release me, but Lan Fan opens the door, Ed is surprised she's here, he's laughing and Winry is giving her a hug. I can hear them all laughing and being happy, they're coming closer and I just don't want to face the happy couple when I feel as though I'm dying.

"Hey (y/n)," Winry's voice is soothing, I hear footsteps approaching, "are you ok?"

I can't respond, my face is puffy and red from the tears.

"Come on don't cry!" I feel as though my world is collapsing.

Ling is moving away, yet a new pair of arms hug my from behind. They're so familiar yet different.

"(Y/n)," even hearing my own name is calming, "I'm here now."

End of Chapter 50

(Hehehe I'm back boooiiis. So I decided to add more to this story cus I really love it and I have 17K reads!! How, why, what, who, when?!! THANK YOU ALL!! Please leave suggestions for anything you want from me and I'm just going to plug myself real quick.)

(My name is Claudia and I love writing, acting, drawing and singing. I decided to write on Wattpad and start a YouTube channel so if you're interested look up Clauclau849 on YouTube and don't look at the old videos, please, I beg of you.)

(Thanks again! I love you all!!!)

(Thanks again! I love you all!!!)

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