Burned Past

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I dusted off my clothes as I walked away from the graves. I felt my chest tighten as I walked away, smiling to myself.

I walked down the dirt road, a bit lost since I hadn't been in the area for a while, when I stumbled across ashes and debris. I shuffled cautiously towards the rubble, sitting down at the edge. It was an impulse to sit, to sit and imagine what happened, sit and listen to the wind flowing through the walls that had once been concealed, small patches filled with grass as if the Earth was slowly regaining control of the world. Peace. Near silence filled the air, a gentle breeze bringing each blade of grass to life. It was a moment of true harmony in the world, the phrase "All is one and one is all" had never made more sense. You could see trees near, which were harvested to make the house, the house got destroyed and once again vegetation was taking over.

I lay back in the grass, almost instantly regretting that decision. At first it was calming, the grass caressing my skin, The odd bug walking through the forest of grass, but then the wind picked up. The wind itself was fine, it was comforting, it made the world feel alive, but in that moment of life ash was blown into my mouth. I shot up, bending over and coughing up my lungs to remove the ash. I coughed and coughed, my eyes watering and my throat aching.

'HAHAHA!' I heard Ed behind me laughing hysterically as my throat burned. 'I can't believe you! Are you alright?'

'Yeah.' I coughed one last time and stood up, walking over to Ed. 'Do you have any clue how this house burnt down?'

'I remember it like the back of my hand.' I looked into his eyes as he stared ahead, sighing as he began to walk through the rubble. 'It was October 3rd. Al and I were going to get his body back and we destroyed the house. We set fire to it, watched it burn, then headed off. The journey is finally over.'

'This was your house.' I spoke in a monotone voice, relaying the information I just got. 'You burnt it down to have nothing to come back to. That's really brave.'

'It's not brave.' Ed sighed as he shuffled through burnt pieces of wood, searching for something. 'It was a way to make ourselves feel powerful and to destroy the house. Sometimes I wish things could've been different.'

'Would you change what happened?' I stepped over the debris heading toward Ed, but trying not to disturb the building.

'No.' Ed smiled as he pulled a broken picture frame out of collapsing walls of the house. 'If we didn't try to save her I would have hated myself for the rest of my life, now I know it was stupid, I know how hard it was for Al and I wish it were me in his situation, but it brought us together. I never would have been as close to Al as I am now, I wouldn't have met half the people I have and Al wouldn't have you. Also Winry gets to fix my leg so that makes her happy.'

'You really are a softie.' I laughed as I crouched next to him. 'Is that Al and you as kids?'

'Yeah,' Ed stood up and dusted himself off, offering a hand to help me up, 'this is the last photo I have with my dad. I'm glad I saw him one last time.'

'I could see how happy he was to see you too.' I took Ed's hand and we climbed out of the rubble, walking to Winry's house. 'His eyes burned when he was protecting us. There's no doubt in my mind that he loved you, Al and your mother with all of his heart.'

'I'm sure he did.' Ed scratched the back of his neck then turned to me. 'Now, when are we visiting your family? Or at least searching for your sister?'

'You want to see my family?!' I stopped in my tracks. 'I wouldn't mind seeing my sister, but my parents are a different matter! They hate me.'

'They don't. I mean they seem pretty crappy.' Ed opened the door into the house, guiding me inside. 'Of course I want to meet them. They're going to see how amazing you are.'

'Fine. As long as I have you guys with me I'll go.' I sighed, I was afraid of the promise I'd made. 'Where's Winry, Pinako and Al?'

'(Y/N)!' Winry ran in and hugged me tightly. 'You're dating Al! I can't believe you two are together! He told me all about you before and it was soooo obvious he had a crush but now you're together and I'm sooooo happy!'

'No hello or how are you?!' I laughed hugging her back. 'I'm fine thanks and yes Al and I are dating.'

'Eeeeeee!!' Winry jumped up and down, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the living room. 'Al~ look who arrived!'

'Hey (y/n)!' Winry pushed me over to the sofa Al was on and I sat down. 'How was the walk?'

'I got ash in my mouth.' I saw Winry fold her arms out of the corner of my eye. 'Apart from that it was nice though.'

'You're an idiot!' Al tapped the side of my head lightly and chuckled. 'How did you get ash in your mouth?!'

'Your old house.' I saw everyone stiffen then relax, Winry still stood and watched creepily. 'I sat by it and then the wind blew ash in my mouth.'

'Ok this is cute and all but just-' Winry walked over and pushed us together, we couldn't help but laugh. '(Y/n), Al told me you two slept together so I'm surprised you're not all touchy feely!'

'AL!' I looked back wide eyed. 'When he said slept he meant the action of sleeping. We just went to bed in the same bed. I'm so sorry. Al, I love you an all but why?!'

'YOU LOVE HIM!!' Winry squeezed me then ran out of the room. 'YOU TWO WILL MAKE CUTE KIDS!'

'Winry is a little more excited then anticipated...' Al laughed awkwardly, I couldn't help but fall more in love.

End of Chapter 46
(I'm so sorry once again for taking a while to upload. I started a new story and I got sooo distracted!! I'm also on holiday now and the time just flew by. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for 4.5k reads and nearly 200 votes! You're all amazing!!)

5k reads and nearly 200 votes! You're all amazing!!)

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