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Bang! The noise reverberated through the air. I missed by a hair.

'Close.' He looked over with a smile. 'You'll have to aim for the middle of the part you want to hit, if it's the shoulder you'll want it to be a bit off centre so even if you miss it doesn't hit an artery.'

'So that shot was ok?' I looked over cautiously.

'It was perfect!' He smile brightly. 'Even if you missed this one, it's only your second shot. I know now it wasn't just luck either, you're pretty talented.'

'Thanks.' I had to smile, I looked to Jean with tear filled eyes, beaming. 'Thank you.'

'Don't get all sappy with me.' He patted me on the back. 'We need to find a way to conceal the gun. It's important that it's hard to find.'

'Maybe with baggy pants.' Jean looked over quizzically. 'We could cut out a pocket so that it looked like a pocket, but then the back is gone and the gun is  attached to my leg somehow.'

'Getting the gun to stay won't be a problem.' He rummaged through his draws again, bringing out a holster. 'Here. Go get changed out back.'

'Don't watch me, ok?' I looked at him with a dramatically raised eyebrow. 'I know you've been having trouble finding a girl, but pedophilia isn't the way to go.'

'You wish.' I placed a hand on my chest in a played out shocked look. 'I don't swing like that. Go on get changed, this war won't last forever.'

I got changed swiftly, walking out to see Jean while holding the waist of the pants up.

'They might be a little big.' He chuckled slightly.

'You think? I kinda like the around the ankles style.' I laughed too. 'We don't have time to sew it do we. Do you have a belt?'

'What kind of man do you think I am?!' He wheeled off once again, this time bringing a large brown belt. 'Here. This will keep them up. Don't destroy it, it's a good belt.'

'You realise I'm going into war right?' We both knew we were joking, it was only a bit of fun before everything went wrong. 'You're not worried about me dying but you're worried about the belt?!'

'Of course I'm worried about you, but I said before that I'd worry when it happens.' He smiled as he turned away. 'I shouldn't be sending a kid like you out there, it's a rough world y'know. I really do love you so don't go dying on me, Hughes didn't save you the first time to let you die in the end. He died when he found out something too much, but before working on the project he always had you in the back of his mind. I remember seeing your name printed on the papers on his desk, they were child protection papers.'

His voice wavered as he choked on his words.

'Jean. I love you too, thank you for telling me that.' I paused slightly as I composed myself. 'There's a chance I'll die, if I do know it's not your fault, or anyone's. I came out here because I wanted to help, you did nothing wrong.'

'I could keep you here and you know that.' He spat out his words, this wasn't a tone I was familiar with. 'I could stop you from going out there and risking your life. I'm telling you to go out there, I could be sending you to your death.'

'Even if you tried to force me to stay I wouldn't let you.' I looked at Jean, a split second face turn allowed me to see tears painted on his cheeks. 'You've done all you can to protect me, it's my problem if I die, but if I die I'll be happy, I must've saved someone, right?'

I smiled to the ground, the sound of turning wheels could be heard. Then I saw legs and felt arms around me. The room was only filled by muffled sobs. Gut wrenching silence forced me to hug Jean back, tighter than ever. I had realised this could be my last time holding him.

'Get out of my shop now.' He whispered in my ear, speaking in the angriest voice he could muster. 'Love you.'

'I'm going.' I said this even though neither of us would be letting go for a while. 'Love you too.'

'Save them. Like he hero you are.' He sobbed louder than before, it wasn't any cry I'd heard him make before. 'Hold onto me a little longer.'

'Jean I-' I began to cry too. 'I have to-'

'You don't have to.' I felt him hold on tighter. 'I promised Hughes I would save you if he couldn't.'

'Jean.' I held my breath.

'Just shut up a minute.' I did what he asked, his grip loosened. 'What kind of man would I be if I let you see me cry.'

'You've seen me cry!' I looked into his reddened eyes.

'I've bathed you too.' He spoke joyfully. 'Please go. Now that I think of the past it makes me see you as that little kid again.'

I left without a word. The door closed behind me, I looked back to see a distressed Jean. I ran. The tears consumed me as I left, sprinting through the blood stained streets.

'Yo (y/n).' How could I forget his voice, but it felt different, I turned to him and he immediately saw my tears. 'Oh umm. I'm not too good with emotions.'

'Ling.' I stared at him, he looked normal. 'Where's your accent?'

'The name's Greed.' I stared filled with horror. 'I'm sharing a body with the Prince.'

'Why you!' I sprinted at him, he willingly let me grab his collar. 'GET AWAY FROM HIM!'

'You're not getting how this sharing a body thing works are you.' I threw him, he easily recovered. '(Y/n) it's fine.'

'What?' Ling's voice threw me off. 'Your accent is back.'

'Yeah it's fine.' He looked at me casually. 'You alright.'

'I'm good.' I wiped my tears and began to walk away.

'Hey where you going.' Ling ran after me, I could hear Lan Fan somewhere, her footsteps nearly nonexistent. 'Come on I'm here don't ignore me.'

'Ling.' I turned to him. 'You have a philosophers stone in you. I know that. Greed, whatever the hell it is, is with you. I want to stay away from you for now.'

'I'm not going to hurt you!' Ling pleaded with me, putting his hand on my arm.

I flinched in fear, ripping the gun from its hiding place and shooting...

End of Chapter 36
(Wow I've done 36 of these. Well sorry for yet again taking ages to update.)


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