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The door opened to reveal Ed standing in the doorway. He had been holding back tears, afraid to know what would happen if he spoke.

'(Y/n),' he sat on the other side of me, rubbing my back awkwardly. 'What did the figure look like?'

'Brother!' Al sounded shocked. 'Let her calm down first.'

'It's ok Al.' I lifted my head off of him, his hands still kept contact with my body. 'The figure was white, it didn't have any features except a mouth.'

'Uh.' Ed looked wide eyed. 'What about Al?'

'He was tall, golden long hair,' I could see Ed smiling slightly, 'doughy gold eyes, but he was frail and boney.'

'Doesn't that give you hope Al?' Ed looked past me. 'If she can see your body that means it's definitely out there!'

'(Y/n) are you feeling any better now?' Al only cared for my sanity. 'Do you need water or anything.'

'I'm fine.' I breathed out a sigh, the tears no longer falling. 'I was just shocked y'know.'

'Do you want me to stay in your room tonight?' Al asked with care, my heart fluttered at his words. 'I mean, only to keep you safe!'

'You need to sleep too Al.' Little did I know. 'You shouldn't worry about me too much, I'm ok.'

'Al can't sleep.' Ed looked down solemnly. 'He hasn't been able to since he lost his body.'

'Al I'm sorry.' I stared at him as he looked back, I realised how much I couldn't tell his expressions. 'I didn't know I'm really sorry.'

'It's not your fault.' He put his hands up defensively, as if he was wiping away the words. 'Like you said you didn't know. I do worry about you though (y/n), I'll stay with you tonight. Hopefully it'll help you sleep.'

'Thank you Al.' I looked to him, I could feel the smile through the armour. 'It really means a lot.'

'I'll let you sleep then, but (y/n),' I nodded to Ed, 'tell me more about that dream in the morning.'

With that he left. Al and I were left in my room. I still sat beside him, we weren't in contact with each other though. I wanted the sensation of care that I could feel from Al, I slowly lowered my head onto Al's shoulder. He looked at me and I looked back, this moment was a happy memory. Even though it was filled with sadness I couldn't help but love every moment with Al. I closed my eyes as I rested there, his arms moved around me, holding me close.

'Thank you.' I said breathily, my heart rate slowing down. 'It means a lot to have someone like you.'

'Haha.' His laugh made me smile. 'Come on, go to sleep.'

I snuggled into Al, his arms loosened to let me move, but tightened again once I was comfortable. I had ended up on Al's lap, he held the back of my head like a baby, his other arm around my waist holding me close. Al's thumb rubbed back an forth on my back, it was the only sound that filled the room, it was comfortable. I felt the hand from my waist disappear for a second, a feeling of sadness flowed through me. Seconds later a blanket was over my body and Al's hand returned. I fell asleep like that, for the first time in years I slept without a nightmare. I had a dream instead. I sat in a hospital room, next to me lay Al. He was in his human body, muscle and fat on his once only skin covered frame. We were holding hands, a sign of relationship, a connection. I loved every second of it.

Morning broke this calm happiness. Al slowly shook me awake, I kept my eyes closed and snuggled into him.

'Time to wake up sleepy head.' Al laughed a little, I couldn't help but smile at this and open my eyes. 'How about we go get some breakfast?'

'Umm sure.' I slowly sat up, completely forgetting I was on Al's lap. 'You can't eat so how about I grab something and we can go for a walk.'

'I don't mind.' He spoke sweetly, I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'What would you prefer.'

'We'll go for a walk.' I smiled to him, placing my head on his. 'Thank you for staying with me.'

'Don't worry about that.' He wrapped his arms around my waist, I was content with life. 'Come on get dressed, I'm going to see how Ed's doing.'

I climbed off of Al, getting off the bed as he left the room. It felt extremely empty. I looked for clothes, rummaging through drawers until I found some. I changed quickly, messing with my hair in the mirror as I left the room. I walked out into the vast living room. It felt empty, as if it was abandoned and just left in pristine condition.

'Should we get going.' I jumped as Al spoke, he looked back shocked too. 'Sorry didn't mean to scare you!'

'It's ok,' I smiled at him, not a weak tired smile but a happy well rested one, 'I'll grab some fruit then we can go.'

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the first piece of fruit I liked and ran back out to Al. The first few minutes of our walk were in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence that I had to fill with random nonsense, it was a silence I enjoyed. A silence I enjoyed because I was with Al. After a few minutes of walking he began to hold my hand, I could feel that he was blushing.

'What did you do over the time I hadn't seen you.' He spoke softly, I was barely able to hear him.

'I met with a couple of officials, like Olivier Armstrong and Captain Buccaneer, both of them seem like nice people.' I looked ahead of me as I spoke. 'They're strong though, the fighting type. I visited Hughes family, I was greeted with hugs as soon as I walked in. Garcia knew who I was instantly and brought me in for dinner. Elicia is too cute, she's so sweet too.'

We talked like that for hours...

End of Chapter 29
(Ok everyone needs to calm down. 800 READS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! (Maybe I'm the one who needs to calm down....) hope you enjoyed this chapter, also sorry for not posting yesterday, I'm going to try and post every other day)

) hope you enjoyed this chapter, also sorry for not posting yesterday, I'm going to try and post every other day)

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