The End

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A few months had passed. Al continued to eat with the same joy as he had when he tasted Winry's cooking for the first time in years, he continued to play and run with happiness, leaving Resemboul to venture out to new places. He had to leave me to do what he wanted, I got that.

Winry kindly let me stay with her, gushing about the awkward way Ed had asked her out, her mind racing with a childish joy when she thought of these times. She taught me to cook, taking me under her wing when she made automail for customers. I couldn't just sit idly and wait though.

I travelled to central every month for a week, meeting with Mustang and visiting Gracia. I spent my time there talking to the people I had met and connected with, smiling for hours on end, but I had something I needed to do, some people I had to see every single time I went, taking a gift with me.

I talked to him as I sat staring at the stone, unable to truly comprehend what was happening.

"You're the reason that my life has gone the way it did. Without you I wouldn't have fallen in love, I wouldn't have so many friends, I wouldn't have had a reason to run here." I swallowed hard as I spoke, forcing out my words. "I'm so thankful that you loved me. Thank you for all you've done. I hope I haven't caused you too much grief and heartache."

There was a silence. My hand touched the stone, my fingertips becoming cold as they touched each crevice. I focused my mind on how it felt, my body shaking in anxiousness and fear. The stone was the thing that divided us, preventing us from connecting, though it didn't have to be that way.

"I loved you." I was scared. "I really did and you hurt me like this." His voice was slightly gravelly, though it remained hinted with madness. "I'm glad you found some sort of happiness, but we could've been happy together!"

"Michael you have to understand." I didn't have the strength to look him in the eyes, even after all this time.

"I really don't get it!" He pressed his hands on the thick glass. "Every month its a new gift, flowers or chocolates or a card, but somehow you still tell me you don't love me! I don-"

"When did I say I don't love you?" I swallowed back my tears. "I love you Michael even after you chased me, attacked me, hurt me and scarred me. I love you as a friend, nothing more. That doesn't mean anything less, it just means that you're not, and never were, connected to me in the way we were planned to be."

"What will your parents think?" He pulled back his chair, calmly sitting back down as he smiled lightly. "I'm guessing you haven't told them about this whole event and since I haven't been in contact with them they probably just think we're off somewhere making kids."

"Yeah they know nothing." I held my head in my hands. "I'm going to visit them one day, with some old friends, but I need time first. I get that you don't understand the pain I went through bu-"

"Now it's my turn to interrupt." I heard his familiar laugh, somehow I felt soothed but my body remained on edge. "I'm an asshole. They say prison changes you and, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm not who I was." Shock forced me to look in his eyes. "Hi there. As I was saying, I just thought that's how a woman was treated. I grew up seeing that with your parents, my parent and I just thought that's how it was."

I couldn't help but remain fixated on his warm eyes. "Michael. Are you broken?"

"Hey! Don't keep staring at me like that." I released the tension in my body, laughing at him. "You treat a woman like anyone else. You don't force them to be an object or your own toy."

"I hurt you too, remember?" I froze, seeing his face made me reminisce. "Well you don't remember it at all, but I attacked you really violently. You could've died if Ed and Al hadn't stopped me. Both of us haven't been very good to one another."

"The past few months you've redeemed yourself." He fiddled with his hands. "I really appreciate you forgiving me and thanking me. I was scared I'd broken you."

I shook my head, smiling at his sudden change of heart.

"You're not a monster y'know." I let my eyes widen, blinking as the words set in. "You're the most human of all of us, well maybe even an angel, but not a monster."

"I've got to go, but I'll see you next month." I sighed as I got up, turning to prevent my tear filled eyes for being seen. "Love you."

"Love you too!" I heard him call out as an officer opened the door for me to leave.

The officer followed me out, but soon after the door shut behind them I sobbed. I cried and cried and cried, gripping my hair tightly in fists, pulling it lightly in an attempt to feel something. After a few tear filled seconds the officer lay their hand on my back trying to comfort me, yet all I did was squeal and jump away.

"I'm sorry!" I apologised as my feet shuffled back and forth, my eyes following them.

I left the building swiftly wandering aimlessly through the city. Before long I stumbled upon an unused park where I sat for a while.

My hands traced the grass around and underneath me. It didn't feel real, as though this was all a figment of my imagination, a dream of a life I could have had if I had stepped onto that train, if I had lived years ago. If I lived in the time of the Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother.

It was like a story, some sort of false reality I had enveloped myself in, escaping the normal world to fantasise about a character from a book or play. It wasn't though.

This chapter of my life ended. This story I've been telling, to just myself as I wait for you to return. My reflection in a photograph upon my shelf, your face smiling brightly next to Ed, Winry and their children, my face behind the camera smiling uncontrollably, was all I've been talking to.

I want the life they have Al. When will your trip come to an end?

This is only the start of


End of Main Story.

(Hey, after publishing this two years ago in 2016 this is my subtle way of saying that I've gone as far as I think I can with this as it's own story, but I may do a couple of chapters where you reminisce on other missions and stuff, maybe little short story chapters (tell me if you like that idea!)

I'm considering doing a spin off where it's Al and the reader's life after this story and having just a lot of fluffy couple stuff (also tell me if you like that idea)

I say this every time I post but sorry for taking so long to update. This story means a lot to me and I couldn't bare the thought of rushing an ending.

I will post more stories... eventually!

This will be my last thank you for a while on this story so here it goes: I cannot express how happy I am with where this story went and how many of you have commented, voted and just read it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, because I didn't believe I'd make it this far honestly. I mean 48 chapters later of around 1000 words each is a lot! I always love suggestions for stories or for whatever you want to suggest!

Sorry for the rambling!)

Sorry for the rambling!)

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