The Final Battle

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I was briefed on the plans they were making. Terror coursing through me. I didn't know what to think, a hope that Al could be back in his real body kept a smile on my face. We planned over months for the day.

Yet again months went by, Ed and Al stayed with Roy and I. Al and I getting closer than anyone else. I still cried at night, but sometimes Al would hold me till I slept, I would stay awake with him too and we would just talk. I hadn't seen May Chang, Lan Fan, Fu or Ling since that day, they'd gone out to do something or other. Roy had told me about the homunculi by then, a new fear that I'd never thought about. The last battle had risen then. The last battle we fought in that is. Ed and Al had untied with Hohenhiem, a battle with pride I didn't witness happened too. I'd been to ill to help them, my whole body was weak and slowly crumbling. I had stayed in Central with Roy, aiding his start in the battle.

I remember special moments, Ed aiding me after a fight, can't remember the name of my challenger. Al and I's chats through the nights, us travelling around central.

The battle begun. Roy began battle, Mrs Bradley a hostage, he had told me to stay out of the conflict, so I did. I watched as smoke rose into the sky, gunshots ringing out fear running through me. I ran into Central without thought, I knew I'd be in danger but the lives of Roy and his soldiers mattered more.

'MS YOU CANT GO IN THERE.' I chased after me, I ran through still, straight into a free room, narrowly missing being seen.

'BRIGG'S MEN ARE COMING IN!' I heard voices, the plan was working.

Slowly I changed rooms, I needed to find someone who'd let me help. My alchemy is a lot stronger than it was, then my alchemy was only a small portion of what it is now.

Armstrong was the only one I could go to, but then that would ruin the plan, why had I gone there? That's all I could think.

As I searched all I could a body fell outside a door, a bullet wound to the head. All I could do was run again, Olivier Armstrong was doing well in the plan. I sprinted out of Central toward Alex Armstrong, but before I left my hand laid on the door my feet lay firmly on the ground, I couldn't move.

'Ma'am what're you doing here.' I soldier held a gun up to me.

'I'm scared.' I acted aloof, a fake fear covered my face. 'My friends are caught in the crossfire.'

'Ah. Sorry for pointing a gun to you.' He put his gun away, my hair hiding the smirk on my face. 'Please follow me ma'am we'll protect you.'

'Why would you. My life is expendable.' I grabbed his collar and pushed him into the door. 'Tell me, what do you plan to do to Roy and his soldiers?'

I heard shouts throughout the building, Olivier Armstrong's fight was starting.

'I don't know I swear!' He was flailing like a child. 'Please let me go.'

'Wow you fear a frail person like me, but don't even think to draw your gun. Glad I have it now.' I pressed it to his forehead, a weird confidence pulses through me. 'Promise me your telling the truth. I don't want to hurt anyone.'

'I SWEAR PLEASE!' I removed the gun from his head, staring into his tear filled eyes.

'Tell your friends that one of the (l/n) family is here.' I looked behind at him, he stared back in confusion. 'I'm sure your general will love to hear that.'

I paused again, the noise from Armstrong had gotten so much louder, it seemed Alex had joined her. It was my turn to search for Roy, they could handle themselves.

I ran past the guards again, through the streets, chasing an unknown location. I saw smoke rising outside of town, to far for Roy, fear commencing, it could've been Al, I knew in my heart it was. I still ran away from it, I was searching for Roy, I had to believe in Al, I had to. I pushed through crowds of people, past soldiers, some of them screaming at me to stop, saying it wasn't safe. The smoke from where Al was grew bigger, fighting back tears I continued running, the smoke continuing to grow.

'STOP.' A hand grabbed me, pulling me towards them. 'YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO GO FURTHER.'

'I DON'T LISTEN TO LOW LIVES LIKE YOU!' With that I kicked him away, continuing to run, adrenaline flowing through me.

'GET BACK OR I'LL SHOOT.' His voice pierced the air, seconds later shots ringing out.

I transmuted a wall, not quick enough, bullets ripped into my shoulder.

'Damn she's an alchemist!' I heard them shouting out, a group preparing to attack me. 'She's probably with Mustang attempting to rendezvous. SHOOT TO KILL.'

I sprinted as fast as I could, transmuting blockades to prevent being shot.

'STOP IT!' I transmuted a pillar to knock out the group, running as fast as I could to protect myself.

That's when I heard the radio, Ms Bradley, she spoke with a frightened voice. Apparently Bradley's men tried to kill her, the plan was going too well. I still ran towards where I believed Roy was. Another group of soldiers came up to me, then another. I was surrounded.

'SHOW YOUR HANDS!' I did as instructed 'KNEEL DOWN!'

I followed the orders feebly. Tears streaked down my cheeks.

'Do you even know why you're fighting?' I asked quietly, just loud enough for them to hear. 'Why do you hold your guns up to me and try to shoot me? Yes, I denied orders to stay back, but what if I was helping you? So what if I was rendezvousing with Roy? Couldn't you follow me then, that way I'd be helping you.'

I looked up through a gap in my hair...

End of Chapter 31
(I'm trying to keep as close to the anime as possible, so the next few parts will take a while since I'm rewatching the battle. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also thanks for 100 reads on the first chapter! Thanks so much for reading.)


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