I Love You

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It was silent. The world was bare, but we all had to return to normal for a second.

'Hey (y/n),' Ling stroked my head, Roy released me and I walked to talk in private with Ling. 'Al's coming back so you can stop your crying. Didn't you see Ed's face?! It was priceless, I've never seen someone so smug with determination! So wipe those eyes and smile for when they come back.'

'I'm not just crying for him.' I looked around for a moment, I had just noticed something. 'Greed is dead. Where is Fu? What happened?!'

'He died a warrior.' I stood in shock, smiling lightly. 'Why're you smiling?'

'He died happy then.' I smiled through the overwhelming pain. 'I'm sad. I'm dying on the inside, but he protected you, I'm sure he's looking down on you.'

'That's the spirit.' Ling turned around for a moment, wiping his tears so that I wouldn't see. 'I'm going to see how Lan Fan is, ok?'

He walked away, I was left alone to suffer in silence.

'Young lady.' Izumi and Hohenhiem tapped my on the shoulder, Hohenhiem spoke to me. 'You're a friend of both of my sons right?'

'Yes sir.' He chuckled as I spoke. 'They mean the world to me. I'm (y/n).'

'Called me Hohenhiem.' I nodded. 'They mean the world? I can see it in your eyes, you love Al don't you?'

'Yes.' I mumbled

'Please take care of him.' With that he waved, wobbling over to a large group.

I sprinted over, pushing through lightly. There he sat. Al in flesh and blood.

'AL!' I ran as fast as I could, kneeling next to him, crying and laughing. 'I thought you were both gone! I'm so happy! I can't- I!'

'Dad..' He looked at me and smiled, then turned to his father.

'Hi.' It was more of a whisper, I had never heard Hohenhiem like this. 'Welcome back.'

'HOLY COW!' Hohenhiem shook Al's hand. 'I haven't actually felt anything in years. It's like there's electricity running from my brain all over my body!... it's warm.'

Everyone crowded Al, making talking to him hard. May Chang was all over him.

Some time passed and Ed and Al had been taken to some hospital area. So I decided to visit.

I walked to where they were, only Al was there, just staring at the roof.

'You ok?' I walking in cautiously, smiling to Al. 'I'm so happy for you.'

'Come here.' Al patted the mattress, telling me to sit next to him. 'Please?'

I wandered over and he scooted out of the way, allowing me to sit.

'What is it?' Al struggled a bit and sat up, putting his hand in mine. 'Are you ok?'

'You're warm.' He then placed his forehead on mine. 'So warm and soft. You smell really nice.'

'Al!' I couldn't help but laugh a bit. 'Don't say that to random people, it may sound a bit creepy.'

'Well how about this for creepy,' I raised my eyebrows, Al lay down again and moved to his side. 'Lay down with me.'

'O-Ok,' I lay down facing Al, he pulled the sheet over me. 'Why did you want me to lay down?'

'Ed went out and he's going to be a while.' He put his arm on my waist, his head against mine. 'I can finally hold you like I've wanted to. I really like you.'

'I love you too Al,' his eyes widened in pure shock, blushing as he realised what was happening. 'You should get some sleep. Want me to get you anything?'

'Just stay and lay with me.' I was lightly tugged, Al was not strong enough to pull me in so I moved towards him, placing my head on his chest. 'You should rest too.'

'I can hear your heart.' I tapped his heartbeat on his arm. 'Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum~'

'Thanks for staying.' He kissed the top of my head. 'You're so warm and smooth and soft and comfy. I just want to hold you all day.'

'You should sleep.' I looked up to him and he closed his eyes. 'You're really warm and soft too. I wouldn't trade the world for this.'

Seconds later I heard Al lightly snoring, soon I joined him. I let my mind wander, his heartbeat in my head the whole night. I held him tightly, never wanting to let go, not wanting to have to leave him again.

I woke up in the morning to whispers, not opening my eyes.

'I came in here and they were like this!' Ed whispered loudly to someone who I couldn't hear yet. 'It's really cute.'

'I'll have to tell Roy about this one.' Riza chuckled a bit. '(Y/n) did promise. Seems like that didn't go to waste.'

'Should I wake them? Al and I are planning to go to Resembool.' I could tell Ed was smiling about the situation. 'I don't want to though. They're so adorable!'

'Brother.' Al spoke, turning slowly to his back, but I remain attached to him. 'Can (y/n) come too? I know we're going to show Pinako and Winry, but Winry will be upset that she doesn't have any automail to fix and (y/n)'s got plenty.'

'Sure.' I was trying my hardest not to smile. 'Are you guys dating now? Did I miss something?'

'Well.... ummm.' Al was still awkward about us. 'YES!'

Al shouted slightly, so I pretended to wake up at this point.

'Why're you so loud this early.' I sat up and rubbed my eyes. 'Ah- Well. I can.... this ummm.... well Al and I.'

'He just told us you were dating.' Riza raised an eyebrow at me. 'You really got cracking on your promise already. You need to tell Roy, he's been having a hard time with his sight.'

'Oh.' I had acted aloof before, but this time I wasn't acting. 'I... How is he?'

'The sight hasn't got better,' I sighed as Riza spoke, 'but he is feeling better since he fought a bit against Father. It boosts his confidence that he landed some hits to his forcefield.'

I still sat under Al's sheets...

End of Chapter 44
(THE STORY ISNT OVER YET!! I'll continue with this book, making fluffy bits and stuff, but I believe that I'll be posting every month (isnt that what I've done for half the book...) so look out for that. I still want to cry of happiness when Al gets his body back. Thanks for reading and voting and commenting! I love every moment of writing, so look out for more books and even leave suggestions for books of you want. I love all my readers! Thank you once again! (Side note I just realised I write about 1000 words for each chapter so I've written 44,000 words for this book. If I had this motivation in school I could go far!!))

 If I had this motivation in school I could go far!!))

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