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'I thought you were an alchemist.' Izumi shouted to me as I shot at more of the dolls. 'Why're you hiding behind a gun?'

'Alright, Ill put it away.' I slid the gun back into its holster and began to transmute. 'Feel free to give me any tips you got!'

We both smiled to each other before attacking. Taking out more and more of them by the second. The problem was that they just kept coming, soon pushing us back a bit.

Izumi and I stood back to back, pausing a moment before we both created spiked pillars around us. I soon felt a quick breath on my neck as she turned to look at me, turning away almost instantly.

'You don't use a transmutation circle.' She deconstructed the pillars and ran out to attack again. 'Why do all we all want to bring back people?'

'I was forced into it,' I spoke through strained breaths as we began to get the upper hand. 'The automail is handier then you think, the loss of memory not so much.'

'Memories huh,' she spoke solemnly, both of us began to gain area as we worked towards the Fuehrer's room, 'I lost some of my organs, all because I wanted to bring back my child.'

'I'm sorry for your loss.' I ducked as one of the doll soldiers swung at me. 'The truth sure is a bastard.'

'Haha, you got that right!' Izumi began to sprint in, using her fists to get rid of the soldiers. 'Let's kick it's ass together sometime.'

'Definitely!' I we smiled at each other, a good moment in the peril around us. 'Let's win this war first.'

'Go with the Armstrong's for now!' Izumi called back to me, 'I'll be back in a second!'

I nodded to her, she grinned back as I sprinted to their side as we walked into Fuehrer Bradley's office. The room itself was a mess, blood stained carpets turned the scene sour. Alex noticed a stairway, as I watched the door for more soldiers. It lead down pretty far, at the time it wasn't certain where it went. During the stairway confusion a call came in which Olivier answered promptly. Captain Buccaneer had arrived at the front gate, which was guarded with tanks and artillery. They were instructed to stand by while we destroyed the artificial soldiers, but it was good news, we had over 90% of central under our control.

The news swiftly changed as a terrifying voice rung out. Fuehrer Bradley spoke, he said he was coming to regain control, he had still survived. He was entering from the front.

'What're we to do?' I stood tall, still guarding the door with other soldiers. 'Shall we aid Captain Buccaneer's men?'

'We're going to interrogate the man Curtis found.' I blinked to Olivier, she had seen what Izumi went to do. 'We have to trust our allies.'

Olivier walked off, Alex put his hand on my shoulder. 'It's alright, I'm sure everyone is fine, just like at the beginning.'

'That's not what I fear,' I looked ahead as I followed Olivier, 'I fear that it will end in ruins.'

Izumi and Olivier death stared at an officer, the poor man must have been terrified. He spoke of recreating the world through destruction, but Izumi put him in place with one swift smack from her sandal, then her and Olivier gave him a good kick which knocked him out cold.

'Well?' Izumi looked to a group of soldiers. 'What're you all gonna do?'

The soldiers told her of how they only followed orders, but of course she wouldn't have that. No wonder Ed and Al turned out the way they did.

'Believe in yourself.' She folded her arms. 'Pick a path that you, deep down in your soul, wont be ashamed of.'

I turned for a moment, catching Olivier's eye as she spoke on the phone. Even though her normal poker face was on, I could tell something was off. That's when I heard the news. Soldiers had surrounded us and we were now in the target zone. The only way we could think of was the stairs, so that's where we went. We walked into the dark stairwell to meet whatever date was before us, doing our best to stay alive even only a few minutes longer.

'I think I'd better pull out,' Izumi spoke calmly as we wished her well, though I wanted to stay with her. 'I'll just dig a tunnel out of here like I did before.'

Seconds before she clapped eyes opened up below her, and below me. I stared a moment, recognising them. Arms began to grab us as we disappeared.

'IZUMI!' Olivier called out as Alex Shouted to me. '(Y/N)!'

I was screaming as I fell into a room, Ed, Al and Izumi were there too.

'Izumi!' I ran to her on the floor.

'Sensei!' Ed ran to her too.

We had useless words of confusion for a moment until we looked over to where we heard footsteps. I stood back as they spoke to an eye covered figure that had a person trapped inside of it. I tuned out, thinking of what to do, then it spoke loudly.

'I welcome you!' It had a horrifying smile. 'MY DEAD SACRIFICES!'

I stood forward next to Izumi, Al was still on the floor and add stood next to him. We stared on a moment, unable to comprehend the full situation. To add to the confusion Roy fell into the room we were in, he was injured.

'ROY!' I sprinted to him, hearing someone else appear behind us. 'Thank God you're alive.'

'Fullmetal. Where are we?' Ed was next to us, Roy ignored me as Ed told him what was happening. 'What're you doing? Are you with me Fullmetal?'

Ed and I looked at each other unable to realise what he was saying. 'What're you talking about?'

'It's pitch black,' I stared at Roy as he spoke, 'I can't see a thing, where are we? Can you see any lights?'

Tears fell from my eyes, the truth took something from him.

'I can't see.' Roy stared at nothing...

End of Chapter 40
(I'm trying to make it good and stick to the story so sorry if it's a bit odd. I also realised I may have ruined the whole "Father needs Five Alchemists" since the reader is an alchemist, but oh well. Nothing like completely changing part of the story. Please comment, vote or just read, any support is so great!)

 Please comment, vote or just read, any support is so great!)

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