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'Well it seems to be getting late.' Roy looked at his watch and looked to me. 'We better head off. '

'Do you guys have a place to stay.' Roy asked Ed and Al harshly, but the tone was only masking the care he had for them.

'We'll just stay at a hotel or something.' Ed spoke nonchalantly.

'Stay with us tonight.' I looked at Roy in shock, not once had he been so kind to Al and Ed. '(Y/n) could use the company.'

'Don't say it like that.' I hit Roy's shoulder and he looked at me with a look of:"you have the audacity to hit me!" I smiled back at him. 'It'd be great if you guys stayed over.'

'Sure whatever.' Ed put his hands up and shrugged quizzically, it was then I realised something.

'You're broke aren't you?' I raised an eyebrow to them, Ling unable to contain his laughter doubled over and held his stomach.

'No! It's just- we..' he looked to the side awkwardly then back at us. 'Yes. Are ya happy now? Jeez first time seeing you in months and you treat us like this.'

'Don't go playing that card!' I pointed a finger at him. 'I'm not going to go all sappy just because I haven't seen you.'

'You were crying when you came in,' Ed turned his back and looked away, 'seems a bit sappy to me.'

'I'm tired ok! I have emotions!' I looked to him, arms crossed. 'Unlike you!'

'I HAVE EMOTIONS!' He whirled round and looked at me sternly.

'WELL USE ONE OF THEM!' I put my finger to my chin as if I was thinking. 'Ah how about you beg for me to let you stay with us tonight?'

Ling was collapsed on the floor, May Chang laughing too, Fu looked away cautiously, Al let out a whimper after failing to keep in his laughter. Even Lan Fan couldn't help but chuckle a bit, Roy was snickering to himself too.

'I WILL NOT DO THAT.' I looked at him an eyebrow raised.

'Have fun on the streets!' I began to walk to the door. 'Come on Roy, Al let's go!'

'Oh come on! You only want Al to come cus you like him!' I turned quickly on the ball of my heel, burning my stare into Ed. 'OK OK! I'M SORRY! I'M SO BROKE, PLEASE LET ME STAY WITH YOU AND ROY! Please.'

'S-su-sure!' I burst out laughing, Ed actually begged to stay! 'You're really broke aren't you?!'

'Yeah.' Ed scratched his neck and looked to me. 'Thanks for making me beg. I thought you were my friend.'

'You are. I just enjoy watching you beg.' Ling laughed so hard, I had never seen him laugh like that.

'Shut up thin-eyes!' Ed blurted out, this only made Ling laugh more.

'Sorry I just couldn't stop laughing at how (y/n) got you to beg.' He smiled ready to say something stupid. 'Also you being the size of an insect made it even funnier.'

I quickly grabbed Ed as he flailed his arms at Ling.


'I only called you an insect!' Ling couldn't stop laughing now.

'Come on let's go.' I dragged Ed out, Al following.

I watched Ling, Lan Fan, Fu and May Chang exit through a window, Roy locking the door behind us. We began to make our way back to Roy's place, Ed calming down after about ten minutes. That was when Roy told me, there were homunculus in central, he wouldn't specify who or where just that there were. We finally arrived at Roy's place and Roy left us while he set up a room.

'Hmmm I'm tired.' Ed dramatically stretched his arms, Al looked over to Ed.

'You must have had a long day.' I spoke kindly, wanting to start a nice conversation, something to remember. 'I'm sure Roy will be out soon and you can sleep. Oh I'll get a spare towel if you want to shower.'

'Ahh that would be great!' Ed smiled as I ran off and grabbed a towel, running back and handing it to him. 'Thanks!'

Ed walked out of the room to the shower leaving only Al and I. We looked at each other awkwardly, both of us reminiscing on the previous conversation we had that day.

'I'm sorry.' Al looked away from me. 'Earlier today I just shrugged you off like you were just a friend.'

'What?' My heart stopped, I stared at Al, his eyes still away from mine.

'You're more than a friend.' Al finally looked over, a gasp as he saw me staring wide eyed. 'I just didn't know how to say it.'

'Al I-' Al cut me off.

'I know it's weird and that I'm only a friend but-' this time I cut him off.

'Only a friend?' I questioned his words. 'I was just embarrassed.'

I could feel Al blushing, even though he was encased in armour.

'Room's ready.' Roy burst in, he looked at us as we stared wide eyed. '(Y/n) you should go to sleep, maybe tonight you could sleep well.'

'You haven't been sleeping?' Al looked caring, a warm feeling was inside of me.

'I've just been having nightmares.' He looked at me with empathy, he understood in a way. 'I wake up after about an hour of sleep and I can't sleep again. It's gotten to the point where I'm afraid to sleep, but I think it'll be ok tonight, you and Ed are here, I feel super safe.'

'You better go and try to sleep.' Al gave me a hug, his arms warm around me. 'Goodnight.'

'Goodnight.' I hugged back, his body responded by hugging back harder.

I walked to my room and lay down, no care to change clothes...

End of Chapter 27
(Ok what. I barely get to wrap my head around 600 reads and now I've got 700!! Thank you guys so much! Thank you to everyone who votes, or comments, or reads, it means a lot and I love replying to comments! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.)


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